Forget the Failures of the Past
Talking to people all over the country has revealed one amazing fact.
Too many people have quit the journey of becoming a Super Achievement because of one failure or another.
One simple failure.
It’s amazing that fear, and disappointment has road-blocked some of the most talented people I have ever seen. These two simple words, fear and failure, have such a profound effect.
Fear and Failure
Enjoying fame and fortune is what we all want. But how badly. What are you willing to do to get it? Will you work long hours to hone your craft? Are you willing to sweat, doing hard tasks, to achieve your goals? Are you ready to tackle a little uncertainty to ignite your dreams?
Sacrifice, hard work, and uncertainty is no problem for most. But the big question is, “Are you willing to fail?” Are you prepared to utterly, fall flat on your face? And, somethings, do it in front of friends and family, the very one’s who you want admiring your great accomplishments.

The very thought drives fear in the hears of the strongest of the strong. Fear and failure are the siblings that always seem to be found hanging out with each other. Where there’s failure, fear is not far behind. Or, is it fear preventing us from experiencing failure. The fear that prevents us from stepping out on a limb risking failure, that I am talking about.
Becoming your best forces you to come in contact with the risk of meeting both fear and failure. So how do Super Achievers deal with these two henchmen?
Mindset First
Super Achievers start with a certain mindset about fear and failure. Before tackling any challenging goal, it is import to get some ideas established in their minds. These those are embraced:
No matter what you attempt, big or small, the inevitability of failure is certain. Accept it before you even begin. Know that, at one time or another, you will fail. And after the failure, fear will show it’s ugly head. Fear and failure will always be present.
Failure and defeat are two distinctly different things. Failure is just a signal to try a different approach. Total defeat comes when failure causes you to never try again.
They understand that failure means one step closer to success, when you learn, and keep moving forward. Some say failure is the other side of success.
It is the signal that there is another alternative approach to reach your goals. Your path may need altered a little to find what works. But when you keep trying, you will succeed.
Now that your mindset, what happens when you are sitting face to fact with failure? What do you do then?
When Failure Hits
It’s easy to talk about failure from a theoretical standpoint, but start your best work accomplishing whatever it is you desire, but when the walls crash into the rubbles of failure, now what.
To the degree your passion sours, failure can bring you down to lows that seem unbearable.
It does not feel good.
Disappointing, frustrating, and paralyzing are just some of the adjectives that describe the emotions failure can bring.
To get over this setback, first embrace the moment. Acknowledge every thing that you are feeling, no matter how bad it gets. Feel the pain. Feel the frustration. Feel the disappointment. Feel it all, because it all counts. Avoiding these feeling could be the best motivation you need to get up and try again.
Take a look at the work you’ve done, and think about why the outcomes turned out like they did.
Learning lessons are what you are looking for. What could be done differently?
What adjustments need made to make your plan better.
Along with the learning lessons you’ve identified, start mapping out a new plan.

Blank Page – Start Over
Now it’s time to open a blank page, and start all over again. The blank page concept means, forget your failure. That’s the past. Start writing a new plan on your blank page. Take a step-by-step approach to create your new plan, incorporating the facts you’ve gained by learning what didn’t work.
Start over with your new plan.
While executing the new plan, keep in mind that repeated attempts to get it right has no surefire route.
There may never be just one path to success.
Alternatives are always available.
There is always another way to get the job done.
Make sure you look for it.
The Comfort Zone
On you way to Super Achievement you may hit a road called the Comfort Zone. The comfort zone is the place you reside to avoid failure. You try things that are not challenging enough to risk failure. Playing it safe can become the real enemy of great success.
Be care of the comfort zone.
Starting over again after a failure is one of the strongest traits of a Super Achiever.
Failure is unavoidable, when you want to achieve greatness. As long as you use it as a learning experience, and keep going, you are not defeated at all.
The message of failure is simply that you have not found the right answer yet.
Yes, it can be frustrating, disappointing and sometimes embarrassing to experience, but feel it all, so that you can use those feelings as motivation to keep going.
Reassess your steps, and begin writing your new plan on the blank page. Forgetting the past failure creates the blank page to begin again with a new plan.
Start over using everything you’ve learned about what doesn’t work.
If your plan doesn’t work the first time, remember that there is always another alternative. Look for it. Beware of the comfort zone to avoid the risk of failure. It’s the enemy of greatness.
Most importantly Super Achievers embrace failure as a part of success. Let do great things, and experience the other side of failure.
The coin will flip to success.