Forget the Midas Touch: Use Any Touch To Get Ahead.

Midas Touch To Accomplish

 “A vision and strategy aren’t enough. The long-term key to success is execution. Each day. Every day.” 

Richard M Kovacevich

The Midas Touch  

Wouldn't it be nice to have the Midas touch when it come to achieving everything you've wanted to accomplish with your life. Just one touch and you are instantly successful.

If you are a Super Achiever, you will quickly come to learn that it's not the Midas touch you want, but any touch that you can apply everyday on a consistent basis for a long periods of time that will make you a winner.

No matter what you want to achieve in life, the secret to mastery is taking some type of action that leads to the achievement of your goal.

Girl scientist

The Science Behind Touch

Study any person who has achieved any level of success, and you will alway run into these three components lurking around somewhere. 

The three components are consistency, repetition, and long periods of time.

1. Consistency

The definition applicable to achieving greatness in any endeavor you undertake is to make a firm commitment to perform with regularity at an increasingly improved level. 

It's doing those small actions every single day while staying focused on your highest priorities and goals. 

Doing these small tasks everyday turns them into empowering habits and rituals that accumulate to form the very building you are trying to erect. 

2. Repetition 

It's all about repetition. The sum of all the accumulated acts of repetition equals strong performances that cannot be denied. 

In the blog article entitled "Are You Willing To Get Naughty To Get Nice" we learned that it takes more than just repetition. It takes "adjusted repetition" to become the best. That is repetition with an additional improvement to each iteration. 

3. Long Periods Of Time

This game is one for the long-term. There is no such thing as an overnight success. Taking small actions everyday, over a long period of time, produces lasting success. 

We have committed to sticking with executing small actions in the short-term to get huge results in the long-term. 

Showing up everyday and touching your routine with focus over a long period of time produces the gold. 

girl exercising

Inspiration to Work

Making the long-term commitment that you know will pay off inspires you to do your daily routine with confidence. 

You realize that your greatest power lies in the present moment. You have the power to set your priorities to get the work done. 

Use that time to your advantage, and work hard with a clear focus in mind. If you execute, you will win. It's all up to you. 

Train Running Down The Tracks

The Momentum Pushes Your Down The Tracks

As time goes on, you will inevitably see signs of progress happening right before your eyes.  When it comes, you will be so fired up that you will want to keep the train rolling. 

The farther you get down the tracks, the easier it be to make progress faster. The sheer momentum of your actions will keep pushing you forward faster and faster. 

Over a period of time you will look back in disbelief at the how much progress you've make.  If you don't notice, other people will. When those complements come, celebrate them. These are the small victories along the way. 

Keep moving at this pace and you will see yourself cross that finish line. 

Winning the Race

Winning Is So Sweet

Consistency is therefore all about repetition. It’s about repeating the same actions over and over again; gaining feedback from these actions and adjusting them accordingly to help you stay on track as you work towards your goal.

This is not about instant gratification.  This is concentrating on performing small acts everyday to reach a long-term payoff. Victory may not come today, but it's a guarantee that it will come. 

Plan to be at the finish line when the race is over. You will be a winner. 

Thank You

"Thanks for reading. 

Hope it helps you in some way. 

Please post a comment below, and let me know what you think. 

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The information you share with someone could be the difference between success and failure in their  life. 

And remember, 

"Make something great happen today."

Albert Powell