Faith Moves Mountains - So Does “Super” Consistency
When you break down the meaning of the word “SUPER” (Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect), the most important ingredient in the whole formula is the glue of consistency.
No lasting success in anything will happen without it. Consistency is a great characteristic that can be applied to anything we desire and will surely get results.
To move from being good to being great, call on the assistance of consistency to get you there. It will never let you down.
The following will show you how to add the powerful tool of consistency into anything you want to accomplish.
When you use it on a daily basis to achieve your most import goals, you will become a “SUPER” Achiever.
Let’s get started.
Create Specific and Realistic Goals

Consistency can take you from amateur to professional. It can move you from ordinary to extraordinary. What is it that you want to turn into something spectacular?
Before applying consistency, create specific and realistic goals you want to achieve. These goals must be clearly defined, written down, and achievable.
It’s hard to be consistent if you don’t have a strong idea of what you need to do. Break those goals down into smaller steps.
Then determine how you can apply consistency to achieve those steps. Start with small easy ones until you can turn consistency into a habit.
The next tip will help you put consistency into action.
Create A Schedule For Yourself

Creating a schedule for your day consists of more than putting a to-do list together. A to-do list is a good way to get started, but putting a schedule in place is an even better way to plan.
For each task, block out realistic amounts of time on your schedule. Determine how long it will take to complete the task, and if you are unsure, put in an extra amount of time to get it done.
I think everyone should create their own personal daily planner specialized around what you want to accomplish.
This is a finite amount of time in the course of a day and scheduling will ensure that enough time is allocated for each task.
You can use a personal planner, a calendar, or download an app on your phone to keep you on track.
For larger tasks like writing a book, set small daily tasks like a daily word count to keep you productive.
Even schedule time for breaks to recharge your energy.
In future posts, I will be sharing my personal time management system I use to keep me focused and on track.
Place Reminders Around Your Home, Workspace, And Belongings

To gain even more motivation, some people place reminders to keep them engaged.
One way to-do this is to write down your goals on post-it notes and place them where you can prominently see them.
You can place them around your home, workplace, computer, refrigerator, car dashboard, and anywhere you can see them often.
Another way is to set reminders, alarms, and notifications in the apps you use.
The point is to keep your goals at the forefront of your mind throughout the day.
Make Promises Only If You Can Keep Them

There are so many demands placed on our time these days, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. This can be a huge problem that endangers the possibilities of keeping any schedule you create.
To win this battle, only make promises that you know you can keep. Consistency involves making and keeping your commitments but realistically there is only so much time you can give.
Don’t hesitate to defer tasks to other days that more suitably fit a schedule you can keep.
Also, watch the commitments you make to yourself. We are all ambitious and want to make use of all our time wisely, but don’t put things on your schedule you may not be able to keep.
Reward Yourself When You Get Something Done

Another motivational tool we often neglect is rewarding ourselves for everything we accomplish. It doesn’t always have to be a big reward, but the act of accomplishment deserves some type of recognition.
Reward yourself whenever you get something done. Even small tasks deserve small reward to keep you motivated.
Applying consistency to our journey of accomplishment is not easy. Keep up the progress by rewarding yourself for making that progress.
You know what rewards inspire you, so be creative and fit your reward according your own personality.
Keep Going If You Make A Mistake

Instead of saying keep going “if” you make a mistake, I should say keep going “when” you make a mistake.
No one who accomplishes anything great, does so without making mistakes.
Consistency requires keeping an unbreakable cycle going over a long period of time. When that cycle is broken, immediately get back on the horse.
Consistency and perfection are two different things. Sometimes the unexpected happens. When it does happen, don’t let it stop you. Start again and keep going.
Failures and setbacks will happen. Plan for them if you can by putting a mitigation strategy in place. Use this opportunity to learn ways you can improve on what you’re trying to do.
Keep moving forward no matter what happens.
Take Time Off To Recharge

Being consistent doesn’t mean that you have to work all the time. No one is a machine that can work continuously.
Take care you yourself my taking breaks. You need some time to recharge. Don’t feel guilty for doing that.
When you drive yourself hard, without any downtime, you are on the road to burnout. This has some hefty consequences, including health risks.
Even if you have other pressing issues you need to do, but have scheduled your downtime, don’t give in. Take your time to recharge. You will be more productive in the long run that way.
Some people like to use meditation to quiet their mind. Others use listening to music to relax. Whatever works best for you, keep that activity on your schedule.
Use Motivational Tools To Keep Going Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

No matter who you are, or how dedicated you are, there will come a time when you will not feel like working.
You may be stressed, tired, or just want to skip a day. These are the things that can cause you to get off track.
When you don’t feel into it, try using a motivational tool. Earlier we discussed the use of a reward system for everything you get done.
Another thing you can try is to remind yourself of your long-term goals. Remember how good you will feel when you reach those goals. That can motivate you to keep moving forward.
Hold Yourself Accountable

Applying consistency to areas of your life is something you have total control for implementing.
That means you are responsible to make things happen. Your are accountable to perform everyday.
Make yourself accountable by monitoring your schedule to ensure things are getting done. Check things off your schedule as you complete them. Then at the end of the day evaluate your performance.
Make improvements along the way and don’t beat yourself up of you don’t hit your mark. What matters is that you keep working at it.
If you find that you do need help staying on track, find someone you trust to be your accountability partner
A friend, mentor, or a coach will help you stay committed to the task at hand.
Build Your Willpower

Consistency requires a lot of willpower because there are times when you will not feel like doing what needs to be done.
That’s when sheer willpower needs to kick in. This willpower can be developed over time. The closer you get to reaching your goals, the greater your willpower to see it to the end.
At times you will want to ignore your feeling to quit and muster the willpower to keep going regardless of how you feel
Make a conscious effort to always build your will power, because you never know when you need to use it.

Developing consistency is a big task, so give yourself time to see progress. Establishing new habits takes time. Allow yourself time to figure out what it takes to keep on track.
Achieving goals is the center of the consistency battle. Determine why you need consistency in your life, and start small in applying it to your situation.
Schedule your time with daily tasks that need done and remind yourself throughout the day by using reminders and posting notes in prominent places to keep you motivated.
Watch being over committed to things you know you can’t complete. And when you need to recharge, make sure you put that on your schedule also.
Since we are not perfect, make sure you get back up if you fail. You are accountable to yourself. So monitor your own actions and determine to improve on them everyday.
Build your willpower to act when you don’t feel like it. The closer you get to accomplishing your goals, the stronger your willpower to push through to its accomplishment.
Whatever you set your sights on can be accomplished when you begin to use the “SUPER” power of consistency.
Remember, you are a
"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".
How do you stay motivated to be consistent?
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"Don't Give Up On Your Dreams"
Watch This Video for More Motivation

Albert Powell
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