Entertaining New Possibilities For A Better Life

Have you ever gotten out of bed, got dressed, ate breakfast, driven to work following the same route you took yesterday, and headed to the same job you've been doing for the last 10 years, and thought, "What am I doing?"
If your life is feeling like Bill Murray in the movie "Groundhog Day", maybe it's time to reassess exactly where you are going.
We all have the freedom to do just about anything we want in life, are you taking advantage of it? Are you doing exactly what it is you really want to do?
In other words, are you living your ideal life right now?
Or are you feeling stuck in the same old grind, and are ready for a change?
Sorting this out requires some deep thinking about what it is you truly desire. We all want a life where we are living according to our highest aspirations for being happy.
If you want to live you ideal life and are ready to make some changes, this post is for you. In it, you will find the steps you can take to put you on the path to living the life you've alway dreamed.
These are easy steps but will require action on your part to make them work. Are you ready to find out what they are?
Let's get started.
Visualize Your Best Self

The first step is to visualize your best self. However this may not be as easy as it sounds. If you already know what your ideal life looks like, you are way ahead of the game. Just skip to step 2 below.
However, if you are like most people, they don't know what it is that will make them ultimately happy.
To find out what your best life is requires some serious thinking, and a lot of introspection on your part.
Begin by finding a quiet place where you can be totally relaxed. Then take a look at yourself and ask a few straight forward questions.
- What would my life look like if I were doing something that made me the best I could be?
- What appeals to me most about what I am currently doing?
- What don't I like about my life right now?
- What are my most important priorities?
- What changes could I make to make my life more fulfilling?
- What unique gifts could I offer the world in exchange for what I desire most?
- How can I make deeper connections with people in my life?
- What will I be proud to say about myself in ten years from now?
Asking these types of questions will get you thinking about what you really want out of life.
If you still need some help figuring this out, maybe soliciting help from your good friends may shed some light. Pick people you can trust to give you good advice. They may see you better than you can see yourself.
Regardless, keep working at it until you can confidently come up with a vision for your best life.
What's Really Important To You?

Throughout this investigative process, the deeper you dig, more will be revealed to you. So keep the introspection going.
Determine what your values and priorities are as opposed to what you think they should be. You know what your current obligations are, but are those things your most important priorities?
Dig a little deeper by taking note of the happiest moments in your life. What are the parts that make you happy. Don't worry now about how you can recreate them. You just want to identify what really makes you tick.
Make a list of all those components, but limit it to no more than 5 of the most important things.
Then ask yourself this question: "How can I live in such a way that incorporates those 5 important priorities?
Then start imagining the best life that you can live incorporating everything that is most important to you.
When you can see that picture, you are forming a vision that you can aspire to create.
Consider Doing Something Different

Think about doing something completely different than what you are currently doing. Surprise yourself. Imagine yourself doing something that you would not have ever considered.
One of the best ways to jolt yourself out of the life you're not satisfied with is to do something spontaneous without even thinking about it first.
If you get an inclination to do something you've been wanting to do, just jump out there and do it. Don't even worry about how good you'll be at it, just do it for the experience. It's like trying on a new pair of shoes. Just wear them for awhile and see how they fit.
The worst thing that could happen is that you may not like it, and that's OK. At least you stepped out there and gave it a shot. Who knows, you may even learn something about your self that you never know before.
Yes, dabbling in the unknown is scary at first, but it is equally scary to continue down an unfulfilling path. It's natural to feel a little nervous or insecure about starting something new, but when you've found the right thing, all the uncertainly will quickly fade away.
Don't be afraid. You may end up discovering a whole new love of your life.
Make Some Decisions And Set Some Goals

Now that you have identified what's important to you, and what attributes you can bring to the table, make some decisions.
Once you've completed your introspection, decide specifically what you want to do. Your life must change, and you must decide what that change is.
Start off by setting some goals you want to reach, and the changes you want to make to reach those goals. Start small, then work your way up.
Set some short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals for yourself. Write them down, and put them somewhere where you can see them daily. Put them in your bedroom, kitchen, and in the bathroom on the mirror where you can't miss them.
Once you determine what you have to do to reach your goals, get organized by formulating your plan of action. Decide what steps you want to take and manage your time. Do something every day that gets you closer to where you want to be.
Working an organized plan will always put you ahead of the crowd, and ensure your success.
Live In The Moment

Now that you're in the game, just live in the moment. Right now, that moment is the only thing that matters. Pay close attention to what you are doing. Take notes on how you feel at that very moment.
Give it your full energy. When you complete one task, immediately start another. Be fully engaged in the moment. Each moment gets you one step close to accomplishing your goals.
Don't worry about perfection, or makings mistakes. Just get through that moment. If you are still living, you are successful. If things didn't go well, take note of what could be done better. Always be improving.
Take it one day at a time. Don't dwell on the past because it is past. And let the future handle itself. When you mange one day, that effort will make for a productive future.
Starting something new is hard. Try facing each day by managing in the moment. Those moments will add up to something great one day.
Put Yourself In Learning Mode

Turn this new venture into an interesting learning opportunity. Put yourself in learning mode.
No one knows everything when they start something new, so take it easy on yourself if you make mistakes. You may be good at some things, but just because you are good at one things doesn't mean you're good at everything.
Take on new challenges as opportunities to learn something new. Broadening your knowledge base happens by taking on new and different challenges.
By all means, don't worry what other people say if you don't do something perfectly. Sure, you can take constructive criticism, but that's it. You don't have to listen to anything else.
As long as you are doing your best, and never stop trying to get better, you will be just fine whatever you do.
Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help

As we've just stated, no one is good at everything, so sometimes you will want to ask for some help. Get comfortable throwing up the red flag, especially when you are in leaning mode.
If you need help, look for someone who specializes in what you need done and ask for their help. You may have to pay for that help, but at least you can stay productive.
Outsourcing may be an option if you feel like you want to delegate work that is not your expertise. If someone can do it better and faster, outsource it.
If there is a task that you just hate doing, try to outsource it. When you can do the jobs that you love, do them. Then outsource what's left.
You can make the call, but the important thing is to ask for help when you need it. This is not weakness, but instead makes you look smart and resourceful.
Celebrate Your Progress

As you begin to make progress, remember to celebrate each accomplishment along the way. This is a great source of motivation.
What you are undertaking may be a long hard road filled with lots of struggle and disappointment. You will need some motivation to keep going. During those times, it's always motivating to look back on all the progress you've make to this point.
Reaching your final destination is a lot more pleasant when you acknowledge every milestone that you accomplish. Take time to make it a practice to celebrate every milestone.
You may even want to start an "accomplishments journal" to document all the progress you are making. Then, when things get hard, take a look at your accomplishments to date to get inspired to keep moving forward.
It takes a collection of small wins to create the new life you are working so hard to experience.
Keep Moving Forward And Don't Look Back

The best advice that you can receive taking on something as big as a life change is to "keep moving forward."
Life always turns out like it should. As you move from one step to another, be assured that you are getting closer to where you want to be.
Momentum will drive you only when you keep moving forward. Keep taking action, no matter what.
You can stop to smell the roses every now and then, but stopping and standing still is another thing altogether. You don't want your life to be stagnant. Completely stopping is not an option if you want to accomplish anything.
Keep those feet moving forward. You will reach your goals.

If you're living your own "Groundhog Day", you may be ready to make some changes in your life. There may be something better for you that you're more passionate about.
When you are ready to make that change, these are some things you can do right now to get started.
First, spend some time just thinking and try to visualize yourself living your best life. What is it that means the most to you? Are you living the life that will give you those things?
If not, it's time to do something different. Investigate some possible options, and make a decision about the next steps you want to take. Set some goals and get started.
Then, live in the moment. Put yourself in learning mode and learn everything you can to put you in a better place. You don't know everything, so don't be afraid to ask for help.
Make it a practice to celebrate each accomplishment, and keep on moving forward.
You can do it.
After all, you are
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