Beware Of These 8 Consistency Killers That Wreck Your Progress

distracted man

"Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come." 

Beware Of These 8 Consistency Killers That Wreck Your Progress


Super Achievers understand the value of consistency. It's the one characteristic you want to continually develop so that you reach the goals you set. 

Once you get started, you don't want to stop until your mission is accomplished. But this is not always an easy thing to do.

There are things I call "Consistency Killers" that will get you off track and threaten to wreck your progress. 

These 8 consistency killers are the top ones to watch out for. When you see them, don't let them infiltrate your progress. 

Here are the eight consistency killers to keep a look out for. 


Quitting When You Make A Mistake

Controlling Emotions

No one likes to make mistakes, but they will happen to everyone, no matter how well your plan or how organized your are. 

The quickest way to kill consistency is to simply quit when you make a mistake. Even though you make a mistake, it doesn't have to ruin your efforts for consistency. 

Just keep going. Get back on track and keep going. Then plan, since you know mistakes will happen. Plan for them as well as you can.  You can't predict the future, but you can take some educated guesses about potential mistakes you can avoid. 

Consistency doesn't equal perfection. Don't quit when you make a mistake. Correct it and keep that consistency going. 



Over Thinking

The next consistency killer is burnout. How does that happen and what can you do to prevent it? 

Some Super Achievers take consistency so seriously that they never give themselves a break. 

Consistency doesn't mean that you are working all the time. If you do, instead of improving productivity, you actually decrease it. 

Everyone needs some time off to recharge their batteries which does improve productivity. 

Schedule time for yourself and don't let other things get in the way. Your consistency won't suffer, but will actually get better. 


Lack Of Motivation


It is inevitable that as soon as you set a goal to accomplish anything, there will come a time when you just don't want to work. 

It's easy to let your goals slide for a day because you are too tired or stressed. Keep doing that, and the next thing you know, you're off track. 

When this happens, try finding different ways to motivate yourself. You might use something you really want as a reward to keep you motivated to keep working. 

Keep reminding yourself of your long-term goals. And don't forget to remind yourself how far you've come. 

Do what you can to stay motivated to keep going. 


No Accountability

Being Someone Else

Another big consistency killer is having no accountability. When there is no accountability, you can slack whenever you want without any consequence. 

Start holding yourself accountable by getting an accountability partner that will review your work and offer suggestions for improvement. 

Ask a friend, family member, mentor, or coworker to be your accountability partner. Have them check your progress once a week and give them permission to call you out when you need it. 

Don't beat yourself up when you don't meet your mark. Just keep working on being consistent. 



Not Knowing What You Want

Nothing ruins consistency quicker than being impatient. Being consistent will get results for sure, but they may not be immediate. 

Whenever you try to accomplish any goal, understand that it takes time. Be realistic with what you can expect to see over time. 

Start improving your patience by tackling small tasks first, and build up to larger ones that will take more time to accomplish. 

You will get results with consistency, even if it takes some time. 


Not Setting Boundaries

Super Achievers Manage Time Wisely

With boundaries, it's easier to keep commitments and meet deadlines. Without setting any deadlines, maintaining any consistency is doubtful. 

Set personal boundaries around the work you want to accomplish, and boundaries around the time you give to others. 

This helps keep unnecessary distractions to a minimum.  

Learn to say "no" when people ask you to do things that take you away from your commitments. 


Weak Willpower

Biting the Lip

If you have weak willpower, maintaining consistency is extremely difficult. 

The reason why willpower is so important is because there will be times when you just don't feel like working. There will be times when the temptation to do more exciting things is strong. 

That's where willpower will come in to keep you focused on your goals. Developing a strong willpower is not easy. You'll want to strengthen it one decision at a time. 

Remind yourself why you're in this in the first place. This will give you an extra boost to make the right choices. 


Negative Thinking


Beware of negative thinking. It's one of the things that will kill consistency and willpower. 

When you think negatively, you are making yourself less likely to be able to hold on to your consistent actions. 

Pay attention to negative thought patterns that will hinder your progress. When you notice them, turn that negative into its positive counterpart. 

Surround yourself with positive images that will implant positive thoughts in your head. Keep those thought on the positive side to help bolster consistent actions toward meeting your goals. 


Step To Respect

Acting consistently to accomplish any goal is the key to success in any area of life. 

However, there are eight "consistency killers" to watch out for. 

 The first one is quitting as soon as you make a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, so when you make yours, keep going. 

On the opposite end of the spectrum is working so hard that you burn yourself out. Working without recharging your batteries will definitely lead to burnout which will kill consistency. 

The next consistency killer is having a lack of motivation. If you can't motivate yourself to get going, then consistency is out the window. 

Having no accountability means you can slack off whenever you want with no consequences. Get an accountability partner to report your progress to.

Everything you do in life takes time. So being patient is an absolute must. If not, you'll have a tendency to quit when things are not going as fast as you want. 

Practice setting clear boundaries and employing your strong willpower to keep on task. 

Accomplishment is also a mental game, so don't let negative thoughts get in your heard. Reframe the negative thoughts with more positive ones. 

You can do this. After all, you are


("Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect")


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