Become A “SUPER” Positive Influence On Someone Today


Maya Angelou

"You are the sum total of everything you’ve ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot--it’s all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive."

Become A “SUPER” Positive Influence On Someone Today

Traps of Success

The one vital skill that a "Super Achiever" has it that of influence. Not just any influence, but the influence that affects people in a positive way. 

This positive influence allows them to inspire people to do more and become better at what they do in life. This influence can be directly intentional, or one that is covertly transferred, sometimes without you even realizing it 

Either way, your positive influence is a vital key to your success as a "Super Achiever"

In this article you will learn some tips to become the best influencer you can be. Practice these easy step and watch your influence grow each day. 

Let's get started. 


Demonstrate A True Interest In Others

Friends Talking

To begin your journey to gain more influence, it is important to make a good impression on the people you want to influence. 

Demonstrate that you are really interested in them and in what they are trying to accomplish. 

The first place to start is to listen to them. Really listen. Ask them questions and spend the rest of your time intently listening to the answers. 

A good listener learns a lot about a person. You can find out what their interests are and find out about their opinions on a lot of topics. 

Once they realize you are truly interested in them, your ability to influence them becomes a lot greater. 


Be Easily Approachable

Respectful people

Being a friendly person with an outgoing personality is a plus when it comes to spreading your influence. 

People like to be around other people who are comfortable in their own skin. When around them, they have a tendency to act the same way. 

Be outgoing, but never treat others like you are better than them, know more than them, and are superior to them. 

Treat everyone like a friend. Let them know that you are always approachable and trustworthy. 


Participate In The Discussion


To help build even more trust and credibility, actively participate in the conversation. Keep a natural flow to the conversation by using a combination of listening and responding at the appropriate times.

No one likes the silent observer or the dominating rambler. Everyone wants the opportunity to have their voice heard. 

Join in and add to the conversation when you can. Then listen to learn what you can. The easy flow of information is always valuable.  


Respect The Opinion Of Others

Speak for Yourself

Positive influence involves respecting the opinions of others even though you may not necessarily agree with them.

It's OK to disagree with someone, but still allow them to express their beliefs and opinions. It's not appropriate to belittle them and contradict every word they say.

Influence starts with trust and mutual respect. So it's important to recognize and accept the differences in people.

If you really disagree with someone, make an understanding that you agree to disagree and move on. Above all never tell someone that their opinions are crazy, stupid, or worthless. Your ability to positively influence after those comments is virtually impossible.

Respect is the best route to take.


Secure Your Place In Your Social Circles

The Opinions of Others

Securing your place in your social circles means becoming friends or acquaintances with as many people in that circle as possible. 

This will increase your influence and potential power over the people in that circle. 

Don't just be a spectator at events, introduce yourself to as many new people as you can. Use this opportunity to interact with them and learn as much as you can about them. 

You never know who you will meet. It's a small world and the very person you need to meet may be standing right in front of you. 

Don't just stand around looking bored. Get out there and work the room. 


Establish Your Expertise

Using Words

Don't hide you light under a bushel basket. If you have some expertise, let people know. You don't have to brag or talk endlessly about your expertise, but let people know what you do. 

Let them know that you are always willing to help if needed. You never know who you can benefit until you put yourself out there. 

Simply telling people what you are good at is not bragging, and people may approach you with their questions. 

If they feel comfortable with you, they will be more willing to ask for your help. People like working with those they know and trust.  


Live A Clean Life Worth Living Up To


Want to be an influencer? Live the kind of life people want to emulate. It's important to live the kind of life people can respect and look up to. 

You want to live a full life and be the best person that you can be. 

That can mean doing the following: 

  • Holding a good job
  • Taking care of your appearance
  • Eating healthy and staying fit
  • Avoiding drugs and alcohol abuse
  • Having good interests and hobbies
  • Respecting others

This is not an exhaustive list but you get the picture. 

Live the clean life worth emulating, and you can have great influence.  


Agreement Conclusion

Being a positive influence on those around you is the crowning quality of a "Super Achiever." Living in such a way that others want to emulate you can be achieved with some deliberate steps.

Start by developing a genuine interest in others and their well being. Active listening is a sure way to show that you care about others.

Next, it is easy to be outgoing but the thing that people like is that you are easy to approach. When you treat people like you would a friend, they seem to respond to you better. This makes influencing them a lot easier. 

In social situations or in gatherings, participate in the discussion. Be a part of the group, but listen and respect the opinions of others. 

Securing your place involves building friendships with the people in your circles. Get to know your acquaintances so that you can turn them into friends. 

Among your groups, establish your expertise by letting people know what you excel at. Don't brag or go on an on about it , but make sure they know you can possibly help them. 

Finally, you will have the best chance of influencing others when you show that you are living a clean life that others want to emulate. 

You never know for sure who's watching you and using you as their example. 

You can have a positive influence in all who come into your life. Follow these step to get started. 

You can do it. 

Remember, you are a

"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".


What influence have you had on someone in your circle of family, friends, or collogues?

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The information you share with someone could be the difference between success and failure in their  life. 

And remember, 

"Make something great happen today."