Accomplish Your New Year's Resolution Without Breaking A Sweat

"Accomplish Your New Year's Resolution Without Breaking A Sweat" teaches how to make sure your resolution gets accomplished.
In last week's article, "5 Reasons New Year’s Resolutions Fail", we warned against things that keep us from achieving our New Year's resolutions. This week we'll look at some positive ways to bring those resolutions to fruition.
If you find it difficult to stick to your new exercise program, stay committed to a new diet, or break a bad habit, this week's post will give you some tools to win your race.
Let's get started with these 10 winning tips.
Choose One Attainable Large Goal To Acccomplish

I'm sure there are many things you want to accomplish this year, but there is probably one big thing in particular that really excites you more than the rest.
Choose that one goal that is the most important to you and put all your efforts into achieving it.
Instead of trying to do to much, keep it simple and just choose one to focus on.
Put Your Resolutions In Writing

Put your resolution in writing, save a copy on your computer, cell phone, tablet, and print out copies you can post everywhere you frequently visit.
This practice will keep your resolution in your mind, and in plain site. The more exposure and interaction you have with your goal, the deeper it will sink into your subconscious mind.
Keep your resolution fresh in your mind and review it often.
Create A Schedule

The next powerful tool to help you accomplish your New Year's resolution is the power of scheduling.
Create a schedule that you can use daily to plan the tasks. Schedule all your tasks to accomplish the milestones necessary to reach your yearly destination.
Commit to working with a schedule to execute your activities. Time is your most valuable asset, and how you spend it is critical. Use your schedule to manage the valuable hours it takes to meet your goals.
Put your plan for accomplishing your goals on your schedule and manage it everyday.
Start Following Your Plan Immediately

Accomplish your New Year's resolution by starting immediately to go to work on achieving it.
Don't wait for the inspiration to strike. Action is needed everyday to make progress on our goals. Taking little steps everyday is the best approach.
Daily actions turn into daily habits. Performing good habits everyday makes achieving your goals easier.
Start following your plan immediately.
Get An Accountability Partner

Supercharge your progress by working with an accountability partner who wants you to succeed as much as you want to succeed.
Get someone who keeps you focused and recommends the best methods for your improvements. Make sure they are experts that have done what you want to do, and that they inspire in a positive way.
Periodically set up regular status check ups to keep you on track. That way you can make corrections as quickly as possible.
Focus On The Process Rather Than The End Goal

Transfer your attention on the process for completing a task and the daily work it takes to meet your end goal.
As you do, you realise that every step you take gets you closer to your goals. The closer you get, the happier you will become.
If you can enjoy the process of moving from one step to another, you will enjoy your entire journey to the top.
Trust me, you will get to the top one step at a time.
Create Your Environment That Encourages You To Accomplish Your Goals

Set up your environment so that it become easy for you to do your work. A neat orderly working space can make performing your work more efficient.
Get rid of the surroundings and habits that don't coincide with you achieving your goals. Surround yourself with triggers that encourage you to get your work accomplished more productively.
Set up your work environment that encourages you to get things done in a timely manner.
Face Your Fear Of Change

The act of making even a small change in our lives can cause discomfort. Change is difficult because it carries uncertainty.
Uncertainty, presents the threat of failure, and that thought can stop us in our tracks.
All these responses stem from fear. Now that we know this, make a resolution to squarely face the fear of change. Push beyond the fear and make the change anyway.
Be prepared to take responsibility for all circumstances that you will encounter as a result of the change. You can always make adjustments to make sure your change is effective.
If You Slip Up, Begin Again
If you slip up on your objectives, just begin again. This is such an important recommendation that I have written an entire blog post the deal with this issue.
It's entitled, "Thrown Off The Horse - Get Back On Track". and gives many tips you can apply to get you back on track.
No one is perfect and making progress is filled with ups and downs. The most important point is to keep going.
Keep A Journal

Stay grounded and motivated to accomplish your New Year's resolution by keeping a journal. Writing down your experiences keeps you invested in the your process.
What should you write about?
These are just a few ideas to get you started. Write about:
- Memorable experiences that you have been through
- Things you feel grateful for
- What has helped you the most
- What are you excited about
- What you accomplished today
- What are you planning to do tomorrow
Keeping a journal can be a secret motivational tool for now and in the future. You'll be surprised to see what you have accomplished over a period of time.

Having the courage to set a New Year's resolution is one thing, but doing the work to see it through is another.
Accomplish your New Year's resolution by choosing one major goal to focus on. When you do, you can begin right away to put your plan of action in place.
Break your resolution goals into manageable chunks that you can schedule. Get an inspirational accountability partner to help you along the way.
Take one step at a time, and face your fear of change head on. Yes, you may get off track, but you can always start again.
Keep a journal to stay invested and monitor your progress. Soon you will be amazed at how far you have come.
I am looking forward to the accomplishments you will achieve this New Year.
I hope you turn your achievements into "SUPER Achievements".
Are you going to solicit the help of an accountability partner to keep you motivated?
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