There is a little known fact about Super Achievers that most people don't know. It's one of their greatest attributes that keeps them rising above their peers. If you've seen the person who is always moving from one level of greatness to the next, that is the person who knows the secret.
It happens in sports all the time. Someone sets a world record for being that fastest, scoring the most touchdowns, making the most baskets in one game, and all the sudden, next year, someone comes along and beats that record. How does that happen?

Check The Map
Have you ever taken a trip where you've mapped out a specific route, and look out the window to see that the surrounding area does't look anything like it's supposed to? You know something looks off, but you keep driving anyway.
You keep driving a little further to see if things look a more familiar. It's not getting any better, but you drive a little further. You keep driving until it gets so uncomfortable that you realize, "I'm going to have to pull over, and check the map."
You pull over at a convenient spot, jump out of the car, and pull the map out. You locate where you are now, and check it against the map. If you find that you are off your mark, now you have to figure out how to get back on track.

Super Achievers Measure Their Map To Reality
Super Achievers use the secret weapon of dedication to the truth to steer them along the map of reality. They are constantly in a state of course correction based on measuring whether their actions are ones that will get them where they want to go.
In other words, are the actions you're taking today a direct route to getting to your desired destination? Super Achievers take the time to get out of the car and check the map frequently. They make it a habit to check where they are against the map that leads to their end destination.
If everything measures correctly, they continue on their path. But if things aren't working out, a course correction is necessary. They make some changes, and get started again.
If it's that easy, why doesn't everyone do it? The fact of the matter is that it is not easy at all. Here's why.
- Sometimes, you can't easily see when you are going off track. Others may actually notice that something is wrong before you do. If you are not willing to listen to constructive criticism, how will you ever know.
- It is not easy looking at reality sometimes. No one likes to feel the pain of making a mistake, or going down the wrong road. It's easier just to ignore the signs of trouble, and keep doing what you're doing.
- Even if you do want to make a course correction, you may not know what to do to fix the problem. You may be stuck.
To overcome these challenges takes strict discipline, and a strong dedication to knowing the truth, no matter how hard it hurts. This mindset keeps Super Achievers progressing quickly toward the achievement of their goals.
It's better to feel the pain now, and make corrections, than to prolong the pain. The consequences of this may be even more devastating.

Get Reality Checkups Regularly
I hate to go to the doctors office for a checkup. Just the thought makes me cringe. What if they find something wrong with me? What if I have to get a painful shot? What if they make me do something I hate to do, like change my diet? The whole process sounds painful.
Super Achievers that are on the path to greatness go through a similar mental process when it comes to checking to make sure they're on the right path. If you're working on your craft everyday, thinking about stopping to do a reality checkup is the last thing you want to do.
Super Achievers who want to make the fastest progress discipline themselves to do reality checkups regularly, no matter how painful they may be. It is not easy, but aligning yourself with reality is the fastest route to success.
Yes, you may need to make some changes, but some changes may not be as hard as you think. Early detection is the quickest route to finding a solution. Decide, up front, to dedicate yourself to regular reality checkups. Your Super Achievement health depends on it.