"I Have A Dream..."
Some people think all the success they want to experience in their life is found in their ability to dream and dream big. They close their eyes to visualize achieving that grand object that will make all of their wildest dreams some true.
Sometimes our dreams are so real that we actually go through the emotions as if those dreams actually happened. What a good feeling.
If we are able to dream to that degree, success will surely come our way. Since we can dream it, the universe can surely bring it about.

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What Happened?
The thing about having a dream is that you have to wake up. That good feeling of winning you just felt now comes crashing down as soon as you open your eyes to reality.
All the sudden we are hit with, what I call, the distance. The distance between where we are, as opposed to, where we want to be.
There are two roads to take at this point. We either decide to keep dreaming and let the universe bring the dream about through the cosmos somehow, or we can figure out what we must do to close this gap.

Can I Really Trust The Universe?
According to the Law of Attraction —the idea that your mode of thinking directly affects what the universe gives you, means all you have to do is think positively and your dreams will come true.
After all, if you put positive mental energy out into the universe, it will surely boomerang back to you with positive outcomes.
This means that if you just continue to send your dream out, it will come back to you, one way or another. The dream must become a reality.
Unfortunately, fantasizing about your perfect world and your perfect life may make you feel better in the short term, but do you actually think that this is enough to change your reality?

It’s Easier To Think, Wish, and Dream
The value in having a dream is to only show what you may be capable of achieving, but the dream in itself carries very little power.
In fact, some people resort to dreaming because it makes them feel good and is easy to do.
Sometimes dreaming can give you a sense of over confidence. Just because you can dream big, one might believe that this big dream can manifest in their life.
A 5'4" person can dream of become the center for a major league basketball team, but do you think that will actually happen?

The Power Of A Dream
A dream itself has very little power. The only significance is when you wake up and see how far your reality is from that dream.
The power comes when you can bridge that gap with a plan that contains processes and systems to get you from A to Z.
The only way a dream becomes possible is by mapping out a course of action that takes you step-by-step through a detailed plan for reaching that end goal.
Having the dream is only valuable when that dream is used as a target to shoot for. Mapping out a way to hit that target is the only thing that has real power.

Where Do You Start?
In my New Years post entitled "Why You Should Make Your New Year's Resolution, And Break It On January 2nd", has a quote from Mark Twain saying this:
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into smaller manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”
Bridging the gap between where you are starting to where you want to end up, not only requires a plan, but also that plan must have small steps to make the plan achievable.
The article goes on to say, make your end goal quantifiable and then divide by 365 to turn it into daily chunks that you can manage.

Instead of, "I Have A Dream", how about, "I Have A Plan"?
The surefire way to success in achieving anything is to shout "I Have A Plan" instead of "I Have A Dream".
The plan that requires thoughtful steps, processes and systems will surely get you to your dream. Marry those plans with daily actions, and you will be a winner.
It will not be easy at first because the gap may seem so distant, but focusing only on the actions you need to take today, will make your journey a lot more rewarding.
Today is the day to get started. Turn your dream into a plan.
Thank You

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Albert Powell