A Compliment A Day...

Sometimes it’s the little things that can make the biggest difference in a person’s life. Giving someone a compliment is one of those things.
Not only does it help the person receiving the compliment, but it puts the giver in a positive frame mind.
Both receive a benefit that can make a better mental disposition.
Below are “10 Ways You Can Make Your Compliments Count.”
Let’s get started.
Evaluate What The Person Values In Themselves

Most people find it hard to receive a compliment. They just shy away from them because they find it hard to believe.
To help make it easily for them to accept, think about what the person values. What means something to them? What are they most proud of about themselves.
Compliment them on that. They are much more open to accepting it when they agree with what you’re saying.
Consider What They’re Struggling With Or Working On

To find something else to compliment someone on, take a look at what they are working very hard on. Then compliment them on their effort, dedication, or commitment.
Encouragement like this can actually give them an extra boost to continue their hard work. People like to have their work validated in a positive way. Compliments like this can be a strong motivation.
If they're struggling with something, a compliment can help them tremendously.
Make sure you approach this delicately. Some people like to keep their struggles to themselves.
Think About The Things They Value In You

Listen to the interactions with others, and make note of the things they value in you. If they see something that they value in you, it is probably something they think they don’t have.
That is generally not the case. If they can see that value in you, they also value it.
When you see them acting on that value, compliment them. You’ll be surprised what effect it will have on them.
Sometimes it’s easier to see good qualities in others without realizing they have the same qualities.
Compliment Something About Their Personality

Put substance to your complaints by commenting on things that pertain to a person’s personality. Those qualities are things that intrinsically belong to that person.
Personality traits are things they have a level of control over.
To find some personality traits that can be celebrated, read my post entitled, “10 Personal Traits You Have That Put The “Super” in Super Achiever”
When you see one of those traits in another person, compliment them on it. They need to know when they are excelling.
Compliment Their Accomplishments

A compliment that can last a lifetime is one that centers around a person’s accomplishments. When someone accomplishes something significant, it can’t be denied.
When you recognize accomplishments, this says something about who they are as person. Complimenting someone on those accomplishments also shows that you are paying attention.
This is extremely important if you have a leadership position in charge of overseeing the work of others. Ignoring the accomplishments of your workers will surely lead to low motivation.
Be a leader that liberally praises a job well done. The effects can be transforming. Complimenting accomplishments of others keeps performance at it’s best.
Be Sincere And Compliment From The Heart

One of the biggest criteria for delivering an effective compliment is to always be sincere. Make sure what you are saying is true and it’s something you really believe.
Insincerity can stand out like a sore thumb. People may not tell you directly, but be sure they know when you are being insincere.
You can’t go wrong if you just speak from the heart. When your compliment comes from the heart, it comes across naturally and honestly.
This works best when you genuinely value the person you're complimenting. When you respect them as a person, your compliment is readily accepted and appreciated.
Show You Respect Them

The main key to delivering an uplifting compliment is respect. I’ve already mentioned this several times because it is so important.
You’ll never have to worry if your compliment is upsetting or offensive when you have deep respect for the person you’re complimenting.
Make it a point to show your respect for the person, and your complements will carry a lot of meaning. Always letting them know that you respect their thoughts, feelings, hopes and dreams, will ensure that any compliment will successfully be received.
Think How The Compliment Would Make Them Feel

It’s a good idea to think about how the compliment would make someone feel before you deliver it.
Everyone has different experiences, so what seems OK to you may not be OK to someone else. So examine, on a deeper level, how this compliment could be perceived.
If someone you didn’t know gave you the same compliment, how would that make you feel? If it would make you uncomfortable, it will probably make someone else feel the same way.
If it will boost their self-esteem and motivate them, it’s probably safe to proceed. Even if it doesn’t land the way you planned, at least the intent will be appreciated.
Compliment At Appropriate Times

As they say, "timing is everything." With delivering compliments, the same applies. When you give compliments is important.
The rule of thumb I use is to give the compliment as close to the occurrence as possible. When someone does something admirable, compliment that as soon as you can.
Wait to long, and the compliment will become less effective and may even be considered insincere.
On the other hand, when you compliment too often, it can also be seen as insincere. That’s why timing is so important.
When you recognize something notable, point it out as soon as you can.
Back Up Your Compliment With Actions

Compliments don’t always have to be verbalized. Another effective way is to show your appreciation through actions.
In business, giving bonuses is an obvious way to compliment someone’s work performance. Otherwise, complimenting others can take the form of complementary actions that show appreciation.
Giving a gesture of kindness can speak loudly. Compliment someone with actions, and then follow up with a spoken compliment is even more powerful.
It’s true that actions speak louder than words.

Compliments can be a great way to boost a person's self-esteem and can turn an ordinary day into a very pleasant one.
On the other hand, when compliments are delivered in a recklessly insincere way, it can cause distress and embarrassment.
To make sure that you are sending the right message, consider the values of the receiver. Make your compliments around those values.
Compliment things about the personality traits that you admire, and recognize their notable accomplishments.
Lead your compliments with genuine sincerity that comes from the heart. The main key is that you truly respect the person you are complimenting.
When you deliver a compliment, timing is important. Giving compliments too much, or not enough can lead to the suspicion of insincerity.
Supercharge the effectiveness of your compliments showing your appreciation with your actions.
Try giving a compliment a day and see what it does to the giver and the receiver.
Remember, you are a
"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".
Do you think you could give a compliment a day for a week?
(Please leave a comment below.)
"Love Is Greater Than Hate"
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(Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect)

Albert Powell
Thank You
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Hi Albert,
I’ve been packing ACT for decades:
Accept/ Acknowledge/or Ask their.
They work together.
That is a great practice that sound easy to implement. Thank you for your great tip.
Anything we can do to make our relationships more pleasant is welcomed.
Thanks again.
Super Achievers Network
HI Albert,
A sincere compliment is the best way to encourage someone. Great subject to explore.
Thank you!