7 Smart Things That Help You Reach Your Dreams

Pleasing Personality

― Lailah Gifty Akita

“Accomplishment of your dreams requires personal sacrifice and hardworking. May you have a determined spirit, will power and a great passion for the accomplishment of your dreams.”

7 Smart Things That Help You Reach Your Dreams


Realizing your dream sounds like a "pie in the sky" undertaking, but it is possible when you make some smart moves. 

If you are going to dream, dream big. It's better to reach for a big dream. If you achieve half of a big dream, you are still way ahead of most. 

To help you along your journey, I've identified 7 smart moves you can make to get you on your way. 

Let's get started. 


Dream Big - Determine Exactly What You Really Want


The first step on the road to realizing your dream is to 

know what it is you want. Dream your dream but make it  a clear one.

You have a far better chance at aiming for a clearly defined target. When you clearly know what it is you want, you can accomplish it.

With a clear vision in place, goal setting is the way to make that vision a reality.


Put It In Writing


Next, to make your dream even more achievable, get it out of your head and put it into writing.

The processes of writing it down makes it even more real. There is power in seeing your dream on paper that solidifies it in your mind.

Once you get this image well established in your mind, you can begin to act upon it. 


Determine How Strong Is Your "Why"

Taking It Seriously

When you really look at what drives a person to accomplish their dreams, you will find a strong "why."

If you want to be an unstoppable force that drives you to realize your dreams, find your strong "why". Someone who has an emotional drive behind what they do will endure whatever it takes to win.

There will be obstacles along the way, but when you concentrate on your strong "why", it will keep you in the game no mater what.


Identify The Obstacles


Speaking of obstacles, what do you do when they come?

Since obstacles are a given, if you can identify them ahead of time, the better equipped you are in handling them.

This might sound like negative thinking, but it's actually being proactive. If you can identify as many obstacles as you can, you can plan for them.

There are always some that will hit you unexpectedly, but they will be fewer.  

It's better to have a mitigation plan in place before a challenge is upon you. Do not overlook this step because if you are unprepared, the consequences may not be pleasant.


Assess Your Skills

Setting Goals and Sub-goals

Do you have all the skills you need to make your dreams a reality?

My guess is that you will need to get some new skills or find other people with the skills you need to put your plan in motion.

Do a skills inventory to determine which skills you possess and which ones you will need to acquire.

Identifying this early will give you time to either learn the skills or acquire them from others.


Create Your Support Team


Acquiring anything worthwhile is not a solo act. At one time or another you will need the support of others.

Build you a support team of people who want you to succeed as much as you do. Those people are more willing to offer you help when you need it most.

Build a support team of knowledgeable, helpful, and successful people you can depend on.


Be Consistent

Focus On What You Can Control

Finally, the secret weapon that will make you totally successful in your mission is consistency.

Learning to work consistently will completely change your life. Using consistency will allow you to build a skyscraper one brick at a time.

Consistently take little steps everyday to accomplish anything you desire. You know what you want, how to get there, and now take consistent action to make it a reality.

Consistently is the secret weapon that will make your dreams come true.


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If you really want to live the life of your dreams, there are 7 smart things you can do right now to get the process started. 

The first step is to determine exactly what you really want your life to be. Dream big and reach for the stars. 

To put a sense of clarity to your dreams, spend some time and write down what that dream looks like. 

What is it that drives you to pursue your dreams. That is your strong "why". With a strong "why", you can achieve anything. 

Since we know obstacles are sure to come, get ahead of them by identifying as many as you can as early as you can. Then put a plan in place to handle them. 

Get ready to assess your skills to make sure you understand what you have and what you will need along the way. 

You may want to build a support team that can be there for you when you need some helpful support. 

Finally, the secret weapon to it all is the use of consistency. Consistently take small steps everyday to accomplish your dreams and you will surely get there. 

You can do it. 

After all, you are a

"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".


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