Show A Little Appreciation Everywhere You Go
Showing appreciation may sound like an easy thing to do, but when it comes to showing it to the people we deeply care about, it can be difficult at times.
Often we just assume that they know how we feel about them, and just don't bother to come straight out and tell them.
So we end up just neglecting it, and letting golden opportunities just slip through our fingers.
However, there are many ways to reach out to our loved ones to show our appreciation.
In this post we will show how you can comfortably express your deep appreciation to make someone else feel valued.
Let's get started.
Find Ways To Show You Care

There are many ways to show people that you appreciate them besides simply say, "I love you".
Although it is a common expression to say, it's so general that it may not benefit the receiver at all.
The unspoken questions that come to mind are "why", "how much", and what did I do to deserve that love"?
Try using a more direct and specific approach. This is important because everyone interprets love and caring differently.
Try using more specific ways to communicate appreciation by adding the reason why you appreciate them.
Some simple ways include things like this:
- "I love how you are always there for me."
- "You are one of my best friends."
- "I appreciate the time we spend together."
You get the picture.
Confide In Other People

Another form of showing appreciation involves trust.
When you confide in another person, it gives them the feeling that you value them as someone special, someone you can trust.
Be open with other people and tell them things that you would not normally tell just anyone. This will bring about a felling of closeness, and show them that you appreciate them even more.
Be Empathetic

The people you appreciate should also be able to confide in you. That means keeping their conversations with you private. This is not always easy, especially if the information is juicy.
Be empathetic by making an effort to show that you care about their life and show that you can connect with how they are feeling.
Be there for them no matter what they are going through. Support them and let them know you are there for them.
Accept People As They Are

An important lesson that I've observed throughout my life is that people appreciate it when you accept them as they are.
They may not do things the way you do, or even be anything like you, but don't try to change them. Accept their differences and move on.
Trying to force someone to change will make them feel unappreciated, less than, and undervalued. If you disagree with them, agree to disagree, rather than trying to change them.
This will show them that you can appreciate each other, even when you disagree.
Show Gratitude

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our busy lives that we simply forget to express our gratitude to our loved one.
Simply put, we take those things for granted as though they will be there forever. It's an easy trap to fall into.
Instead, think about how you can show gratitude, even for the little things people do in your life. What can you say or do to express how much they mean to you.
If you are having a hard time expressing it right away, start by making a gratitude journal and write down things you're grateful for. Then start sharing those things with the people involved.
Do it often enough and you will feel at ease expressing your appreciation.
Compliment Them

Giving compliments is a powerful tool for creating valuable connections with other people.
When you take to time to actually notice a person's good qualities and compliment them on it, makes a very positive statement.
Be sure to hand out compliments frequently.
To learn even more about using this powerful tool, check out this post: "A Compliment A Day".
Help People When They Need It

An even more meaningful way to show your appreciation is to help people when they need it.
If the person asks for your help, do whatever you can to help them. You may not be able to solve all their problems, but jumping in to help is a big gesture of kindness.
Being there for them makes them feel cared for, and I know they will see how much you value the relationship.
Text A Quick Message

Even though face-to-face communication is one of the best ways to show genuine appreciation, it's OK to text a quick note of appreciation to someone.
We have so many great vehicles to communicate with these days. Use them to brighten someone's day by telling them how much they mean to you.
Send a quick message to someone, and let them know you appreciate them, miss them, love them, or can't wait to see them.
Surprise Them

Surprise the other person, and it will show that you care enough about them to come up with that surprise.
Give them some unexpected gift, make their favorite meal, or take them on an mini trip. It doesn't have to be big to show someone that you appreciate them.
People like to know that you are thinking about them. Nothing says that better than giving them a thoughtful gift.
Be There For The People You Appreciate

When your loved one needs you, sometimes all you need to to is to stop what you are doing and just be there with them,
Sacrificing your precious time to just be there for someone tells them that you are making them a priority.
You don't always have to fix the problem. All you want to do is be there.
A great gesture is to take one day and clear your schedule so that you can spent that time with someone you care about.
I'm sure they will realize how important they are to you.

The little things in life sometimes carry the biggest impact on another person. One of those things is showing appreciation to the ones you care about.
The problem is that many times we are so busy with our day-to-day routines that we neglect to let others know how much they mean to us.
Break that cycle by coming up with multiple ways to let people know how much you appreciate them.
Let people know that you care about them enough to confide in them, and vise-versa.
If they are going though something, take the time to connect with them in such a way that they feel understood and supported.
Accept people as they are and don't try to change them. Agree to disagree, and respect their differences.
Show gratitude for the things people do for you, and compliment them on their good qualities.
Help people when you can, and even if you can't, just being there can be enough.
To really let them know you are thinking about them, send them a quick text, or better yet, plan a surprise they will enjoy.
The bottom line is to make it a point everyday to let people know how much you appreciate them.
You can do it.
Remember, you are a
"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".
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Albert Powell
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