Let The True You Shine Through

Motivation Success

– Katrina Mayer

“Simply shine your light on the road ahead, and you are helping others to see their way out of darkness.” 

Let The True You Shine Through. Develop "SUPER" Self-Awareness


Greater self awareness is a hard thing to foster.  The more you learn about yourself, the greater your effectiveness to influence the world around you.

It is an enlightening feeling to experience your own self-sufficiency coming from the confidence you gain from embracing exactly who you really are. 

Finding yourself requires some effort on your part to step back to look at yourself from a new perspective. You can become exactly who you want to be by taking a journey to self examination. 

Your efforts will be rewarded when you do. 

Let's get started. 



Start Relying On Yourself

Believe In Yourself

During this journey of self discovery, learn to believe in yourself and trust your feelings. Your confidence and reliance are at the heart of the matter. That's what's really at stake. 

When your confidence is low, you have a tendency to listen to what others have to say. Their opinion of what's appropriate may sway you from expressing exactly who you are. 

The goal is to be so comfortable with your own judgements of what you stand for and are portraying. 


Distinguish Your Thoughts From The Thoughts Of Others

Stress Management

If you are just starting your journey to self-awareness, it might be hard to distinguish your thoughts from the thoughts of others.

We have all been given a road map about what we should do with our lives. Whether or not that makes sense, we go down that road on autopilot thinking we're doing the right thing. 

Break loose from that thinking by sitting down with yourself for some introspection. Come up with beliefs that are based on your own roadmap, instead of what other people feed you. 

Feel free to think concretely about what you actually want out of life. 


Create Your Blank Page

Super Achievers Blank Page

All great paintings begin with a blank page, and creating your ideal life can start the same way. 

Prepare to start with a clean slate, and develop your own moral conduct that you want to live by. 

Completely wipe out all the failures of the past and start fresh. From this point, we want to drive our lives forward without carrying extra weight from the past. 

In my book "Are You A Super Achiever", I have a complete chapter explaining how to create a "Blank Page" from which to create your ideal life. 


Create Your Own Unique Life Timeline


Create your own unique timeline for your life. Everyone does not experience the major events in life at the same time. Your pace my be faster or slower than someone else. 

Write down all your major goals that you would like to achieve, and put a timeline together for achieving those goals.  

This will give you some clarification for what your life could look like. This is not a reflection of what society expects, but of what you identify as organically you. 


Identify Your One True Passion

What is the one true passion that you have that instinctively defines you? If you haven't identified it yet. spend some time to seek that out. 

Finding your true passion can lead you to something that is ultimately extremely fulfilling in your life. It doesn't matter what it is, but it is important that you find it. 

Once you find out what zaps you out of the bed everyday ready to whip the world, cling on to it so that your life blossoms from there. 


Find An Objective Mentor

Rely on Yourself

It's easy to fall into subjectivity when we examine ourselves. Therefore, it may be a good idea to get a mentor to help with your soul-searching effort.  

Finding someone you respect and trust can give you lot of insight about what they do to stay true to themselves. Yes, ultimately you are responsible to defining your future, but it doesn't hurt to get insight from someone you trust. 

Any type of support system you can put in place is always valuable when you are making any self improvement. If nothing else, it's nice to have someone acting as your sounding board. 


Let Go Of The Need To Be Loved By All

In an ideal world, it would be nice to have everyone like you, but as you show your true self, others may not like it. 

While you might not want to disappoint people close to you, you may have to forget what they think about you. If they really cared about you, they would want to see you happy.

A quote from Raymond Hull sums this up most appropriately: "He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away."


Take Action And Move On Your New Knowledge


Now it's time to act on the newly discovered knowledge. The person that you want to be will be a reality when you begin executing your plan.

Whatever your passion, exercise it, use it, and operate your life around it. Take the necessary steps to meet the goals on your list. 

Make it a practice to always show your authentic self in everything you do. Action makes your dreams a reality. Step up and make yourself known.  


Be Ready To Hit Dead Ends

Controlling Emotions

Be ready to meet with challenges that can stop you in your tracks. They will come. 

Finding yourself is indeed a journey filled with trial and error, ups and downs, and many other challenges. It's not always easy.

 There is a price to be paid for the ultimate fulfillment and satisfaction you'll receive from your efforts. So, know that the road may be bumpy. Anticipate how you can plan to overcome obstacles along the way. 


Serve Others

Helping hands

One of the best ways to find yourself is through serving others. Mahatma Gandhi once said that "the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

Sometimes, when you see others who are in need, you suddenly realize how fortunate you are. Helping them gives you a sense of purpose. Your help may reveal your real purpose in life. 

Giving of your unique skills and talents to help others in need helps you realize what's most important in life. 


Girl Experiencing Success

Letting your life shine through begins when you are sure who you are, not who others think you should be. 

The person you want to be is the one you define for yourself. We all have societal programming, but to distinguish your individual thoughts from those of others is what counts. That will allow your uniqueness to shine through. 

To make sure you are reflecting your unique self, forget the past failures and create a new blank page so that you can write your new ideal life for the future. 

As  you do define your goals and what you want to accomplish, get some perspective from a trusted mentor. Once you start making yourself known, others may not like it. The bottom line is that you can't please everyone. 

The key is taking action on your newly discovered knowledge and tackle all the obstacles that will come your way. 

A great way to find your unique self is to serve others who are less fortunate than you. You may find that doing so is your purpose. 

Let your light shine brightly on everyone that crosses your path. 

Remember you are a

"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect"


What is your one unique gift that you can share with the world?

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"Believe In Your Strength"

Watch This for Some More Motivation

Become a 

"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect"

Albert Powell

Thank You

Hope it helps you in some way. 

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The information you share with someone could be the difference between success and failure in their  life. 

And remember, 

"Make something great happen today."