"A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work"
Colin Powell, former U.S. Defense Secretary
10 Steps To Working All Day Without Getting Tired
There is no such thing as a Lazy Man's Guide to Super Achievement, but there are ways to make your life a bit easier.
The journey to Super Achievement is not one for the faint of heart. The many facets can tax your resources so hard that, at times, you can become too exhausted to move. It is hard work. To make things a little easier, you can put systems in place to maximize your productivity.
That's why I've put together "10 Steps To Working All Day Without Getting Tired". These steps seem overwhelming, at first glance, but ultimately will make your journey a lot easier in the long term.
Try them out for yourself, and let me know how they are working for you.

One of the hardest parts of being a Super Achiever is that your end goal is so strong that you know all the elements it takes to get there.
Knowing all the elements is a blessing and a cure, because possessing that knowledge makes you begin rushing to get to the finish line.
So, you dive in and just start working as quickly as you can trying to fit everything in that needs done. The next thing you know, you've gotten fragments of activities started all over the place.
As these fragments start mounting up, you feel that your working like crazy but nothing is getting completed. Exhaustion sets in and you are wondering why you're not getting anywhere.
Do yourself a favor: Stop Trying To Do Everything At Once
It's great that you have the capabilities to do the various tasks that need done, but a more effective approach would be to pick one task and apply a laser focus to get that task completed.
To make it even simpler, choose one task a day that you can complete that day, and do it. One completed task a day, keeps exhaustion away.
It's OK to drop everything you're doing, and focus on just one. Get it done. Completing one task can be so fulfilling that it actually gives you energy to move on to the next one.
Many Super Achievers go after their ultimate dream of spending their entire lives doing what it is they love the most. They want to do that thing that makes them feel like a super-human being. Do what you love, and you will be the success you've alway wanted.
But as I have found out, there are two sides to that coin. Side one is doing what you love, but the other side is doing what brings in enough money.
How do you reconcile the two? If you can't make money doing what you love, and you don't love what makes you the most money, maybe you can compromise by using passion as your leveler.
Passion for something that brings in the money you need may be exactly what you're looking for. Passion will still give you the drive you need to keep producing outstanding outcomes. When those outcomes bring in the money to sustain your dream lifestyle, you may have the winning combination.
Want to be a Super Achiever doing anything at all, and you will understand that money is not the scarce resource, it is time.
The gift of 24 hours is given once a day and you can never get a refund when it's gone. Everyone I've ever met with any level of success schedules their time.
Scheduling means you value each moment, and want to maximize every minute of your day. Because massive success is a quantification of how much time you are willing to invest.
Without a schedule, you don't know what you are investing, so you don't know what's the payoff.
Devising a schedule to manage your time may reveal a way to gain even more time. Work that schedule like investment brokers manage money. Manage it to get you the biggest return on investment.
Have you ever worked a job in an office that was not conducive to producing your best work? You may be sitting in an uncomfortable chair, staring at a hard-to-see computer screen where it feels like 90 degrees because the air conditioning isn't cool enough.
Yes, you do the work, but when 5:00 pm comes, you are the first one out the door. You tolerate it, but it's just not fun.
To create your dream life, Super Achievers make their workspace as enjoyable as possible. You may not have total control over your work space, but you can still tweek what you can to make it your own.

We live in a world where distractions are an inescapable reality of life. They invade our life at every turn. How is it possible to work in peace?
If you are getting distracted when trying to get important work done, you may want to try using the 30 minutes of intense concentration routine.
Pick a block of work that you need done. Set up a timer for 30 minutes. When that time begins, determine to intensely focus on nothing but that work for the entire 30 minutes. When that 30 minutes is up, get up and walk around for five minutes.
After that, organize the next 30 minute block of work , and do it again.
Some people even get an hourglass to watch the sand slip from the top to the bottom. This visually demonstrates how fast time actually moves.
When you have done this a few times, you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish.
Michael Gerber, in his book, "The eMyth Mastery" breaks business down into uniquely identifiable systems. His philosophy is to create repeatable systems for every aspect of your business.
Fact of the matter is that systems can be used not just for business. They can be used in your personal life or anything that you do. They work especially well for tasks that are repeatable.
The real benefit of using systems come when we write it down. Written systems can be reviewed for their effectiveness and improved upon. That improvement aspect is what takes you from better to best.
Yes, it does take some time and effort to write it out, but once it is done, it becomes a powerful tool that you can use to continually improve.
No need to reinvent the wheel, when you have your system in place. Simply pull it out and begin using it. It's a huge time saver.
Everyone knows the benefit of exercise in your daily life. But the key word to focus on is commitment. No one lives such a robotic life that they can exercise everyday without fail, but you can exercise a commitment everyday.
That commitment means if you miss a day, you rearrange your plan to make sure you get some exercise in, one way or another.
When you are packing in the work that you need to accomplish, you need stamina to get it going. Commit to exercise every day to manufacture the vitality you need to stay on top.
Along with exercise, taking care of your body, and keeping it healthy means getting the nourishment through proper eating. I am not advocating any special dietary program, but am leaving that up to you.
I have done bodybuilding where they recommend you eat six small meals throughout the day. Doing this seemed to give me an energy boost that kept me going all day.
I do recommend that you choose a dietary plan that keeps your body running at full steam all day. For the work you do, you will need every advantage you can get.
Some Super Achieves go through times when they are so amped up about what they are working on that it's like pulling teeth to get them to take time out for a proper night's sleep.
Once they are in the zone, they don't want to ruin it by taking the time to sleep. But, that flow will probably burn out quicker the more they neglect their sleep.
Do yourself a favor to ensure your brain gets rejuvenated by simply putting sleep in to your schedule just like any other important activity.
Schedule it like it is an appointment that you cannot miss. How many hours you need, personally, is up to you. But make it a point to add it to your schedule.
Sometimes the Super Achiever starts the day without any idea what issues they will have to deal with. They can easily underestimate the amount of pressure they will receive to get a job done.
Instead of starting their day blindly, it may help to do some mental preparation ahead of time.
To get ready for the grind, some people do meditation, others recite their affirmations, and some people use motivational quotes. Click here for my "Top 20 Motivational Quotes To Get Pumped".
Whichever you choose, get yourself mentally prepared for the game.

The life of a Super Achiever is not an easy one. It's a life of sacrifices, meeting demands, delivering the goods, and expending mental and physical energy.
Manage it wisely, and you will have the strength to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. If not, it can crush you under it's heavy weight.
Hopefully, you can use this article as your guide for managing hard work with ease. See you at the top!
Thank You

"Thanks for reading. Hope it helps you in some way.
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And remember,
"Make something great happen today."
Albert Powell
Well, you nailed it for me. I have some tidying up to do, brainwise!
Reading your blog makes me realize that I must continue to engage the supernatural part of me in order to accomplish these things.
Very well written, I need to read this again in about a week, when it’s time to go back to work for another year. Thanks for the pep talk.
Thanks Albert
You just added fuel to the fire. Working on a new Certification in my field, your tips help a lot.