Notably, Super Achievers are the kind of people that have a goal to do something that takes certain specialty skills to master. And they outline what their life will look like once their goal is accomplished.
Determined to get there, they set hard goals that must be met to get to the next level. Working on them daily turns their activities into their winning routine.
After a while of consistent application, those routines become habits that push them forward. Day-after-day applying the actions necessary to win is what they do.

Danger: Sliding Into The Comfort Zone
There is a hidden danger that comes with the success routines that Super Achievers need to be aware of.
The danger is this: As you do your success routine, day-in and day-out, you may experience a point where it starts to become easy. Easy to keep it going, easy to execute it, and easy to get the results you want.
Easy becomes the hidden trap. Your practice may become so easy that you resist any deviation for fear that a change might be discomforting.
This could mean your comfortable routine might get a little harder.
Establishing good habits is an absolute must, but there is a possibility that we can sometimes avoid trying something new because we are satisfied where we are. We can reach a level where we've mastered our routine so well that we want to live there forever.
This is a dangerous slope that you want to be aware of. It is very hard to detect when this is happening to you. To really see it, you may have to look at yourself objectively, and make some observations.

Questions To Ask Yourself
Is my routine getting boring?
Does my routine fully engage all my faculties: mind, body, and spirit?
Is my routine challenging enough?
What new element am I afraid to add?
Am I procrastinating?
Am I making massive progress?
This honest assessment of your performance is critical. If you have slipped into the comfort zone, it is hard to get out on your own.

Step Up To Bat
If you find that you are slipping into the comfort zone, one of the biggest things you can do is to add an element of risk into your daily routine.
Risk is the act of doing something that has the possibility of total failure or ultimate reward. There are different risk levels that people fall into. Some like extreme risk, while others are more cautious.
What outcomes are you after? Do you want big performance gains, or are you happy with small incremental ones?
There is an element of fear involved with taking risks, and that element is totally necessary. That fear makes us do our homework, and double check that we're making the right moves.
But, if there is no risk in your life, it gets very boring staying at the same level, in the same place, forever.
Find the thing you can add that carries a calculated risk of success, and make yourself go after it. If you fail, look for your learning moment, because there is one. Some of the biggest lessons are learned through failures.
Don't be afraid to step up to the plate. Constant challenges keep you fully engaged.

The Big Payoff
When you start adding that element of risk into your life, you may experience a little pain and discomfort. The big payoff is that you will discover abilities you never dreamed possible.
When you push yourself with new challenges everyday, that forces new elements of greatness to reveal themselves.
Your growth will never stop, as long as, you can avoid the slippery slope of the comfort zone. Instead, challenge yourself by adding an element of risk. Always challenge yourself by pushing forward, and taking one new step towards accomplishing your goal.
Do this well, and I will look forward to seeing you at the top.
Thank You

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"Make something great happen today."
Albert Powell
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