Unhealthy Disease Spreading – Do You Have It?

Unhealthy Disease Super Achievers Network

There is a nasty disease that is sweeping through our neighborhoods all over this country, and most people don’t even realize they already have it.

US Department of Health and Human Services Shocking Results

For every 100 people:

25 Were Dead

20 Had Annual incomes of less than $6,000

51 Had Annual incomes Between $6,000 – $35,000

4 Had Annual income of more than $35,000

Richest Nation in the World

The US is the richest nation in the world, but after 40 years of hard labor, millions of Americans are poverty stricken.

Poverty Is A Disease

Most people don’t see poverty as a disease but it is just that because it causes pain and suffering. The kind of sufferings that causes sleepless nights wondering whether you will make the latest layoff cut on your job.

Or wondering how you will get the money to pay the minimum balance on that credit card bill that has gotten so high that the high interest has forced you down the negative spiral of never ending debt.

How about your family, especially your kids? Where will you get the extra money to put them through college, help them buy their first house, or even save enough extra money to buy their first car.

Unhealthy Disease 2 Super Achievers Network

Our lack of money is not a health giving one. It hurts.

This is not just a sickness, it is so common these days that it’s nothing less than a disease.

Except, instead of it being the physical kind, it is a mental one.

It starts in our minds brought on my the thoughts we think.


Poverty Mindset

Observing the thoughts that are at the forefront of people who are not enjoying a life of total prosperity, it becomes clear that the reason they are not rich can be traced to some mental mindset that is holding them back.


They are in poverty because they have fallen pray to some outside circumstance that is causing their condition.

They are poor because they never get raises on their job, healthcare is so high they can never get ahead.

It’s the government’s fault because they are continually raising taxes which bites into their paycheck leaving less and less left to pay all the bills.

It makes you feel helpless, a victim of the the system that you can’t beat. Seems like there is just not enough money to go around.

This mental mindset is one of total lack. That’s all we can see. What we don’t realize is this mindset is blocking us from wealth.

All we can see is the scarce resources.

Poor Person

Being Poor Is Not A Virtue

As a child, we watched our parents hard at work on their jobs to barely earn enough money to put food on the table, and pay the bills.

We begin to admire this routine which leaves the impression in our minds that there is something virtuous about working hard just to make a meager living.

The other mindset that we’ve been fed growing up comes from the widespread misquoting of the Bible.

Some people were raised to wrongly believe that, “Money is the root of all evil.”

When the more accurate translations is “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” (1 Timothy 6:10).

The truth is money is neither good or evil

People are the ones that are good or evil. Clearly speaking, it’s the use of money that is good or evil.

We must not mistake the use of money with the actual article itself.

Having a small quantity of money, or having too much to count is not good or bad.

It’s how that money is directed and used.

However, who can feed the most hungry people? The person with $10 or the one with $10 million? You get the point.

Being poor is not virtuous.

Prosperity Mindset

The rich see these things differently. Their whole outlook of the worlds resources is different. Starting with their number one quality; their prosperity mindset.

Instead of a victim mentality, they take personal responsibility for their financial health. Rich people view themselves in total control of their finances. If they are not where they want to be, they have the power to change their situation.

The rich see the world as a place with plenty for all. Instead of seeing lack, they see an abundance of opportunities all around them. Not just one opportunity to accumulate wealth, but sometimes, so many that they have a hard time narrowing their choices.

In fact, their enthusiasm for life fills them with so much energy that they are actively perusing their plans to accumulate more wealth. They look to their own creativity to get them all the wealth they want.

And last, but not least, they never believed it was the Master’s plan for them to live in poverty.

The rich believe mankind should have all the wealth they need for themselves and their families.

There Is No Hospital,

But There Is Self Education

If you are afflicted with this disease called “Lack of Money”, there is good news. There is a cure. Most wealthy people started out very poor, before they accumulated their wealth. You might say they’ve had the poor disease. But they found the cure.

What do they do to move from poverty to wealth? It is definitely not an overnight cure but it does start with treatment.


The cure starts with strict treatment which begins with wealth education. To cure yourself from the poverty disease, educate yourself on wealth management. Wealth begins with education. After observing hundreds of wealthy people, they seem to be self educating.

They read constantly. Reading gives them ideas for accumulating wealth, and keeping it. It can do the same for you. Read everything you can get your hands on.

You will be surprised how much information there is on wealth building. Make it a lifelong endeavor. Continually absorb everything you can.

Reading is one part, but to really start using some of the wealth building practices in your life, you must become a student of wealth. Which means you must not only read, but also study.

Become familiar with the language so that you can talk intelligently with other wealthy people. Begin implementing the laws and principles of wealth building in your life, and see what results you get.

As your network of wealthy individuals grows, you can get the help you need to keep moving up this climb to the top.

Plan for Wealth

Never underestimate the power of a plan. If you can plan your career, plan your vacations, and plan for you holiday parties, you can plan wealth creation.

Planning for success is just as important as planning for failure. Put a plan in place that focuses on a way to increase your service to others in exchange for money. The greater the service to help the largest number of people, the greater your wealth increases.

What will your financial empire look like? Plan it out in great detail, so that you will always know where you stand. If you don’t know where you are going, how will you known when you get there?

Within your plan, you can set goals to achieve your objectives. Make actionable steps to follow, and start building your financial dreams.

Planning is key, but execution on that plan is the most important part. Make it a practice to strive to excel in execution.

Learn to execute expertly, and even an average plan becomes a very powerful thing, when you execute.

People are not meant to live in poverty

People are not meant to live in poverty no matter what you were taught to the contrary. There is such an abundance in the world that there is enough to go around.

If you are inflicted with the poverty disease, educating yourself on wealth creation is the beginning of your treatment. Make it your life mission to become a student of wealth.

Plan your future and execute the plan.

Wealth can be yours, if you want it.