8 Step To Stop Lying To Yourself
Lying to others is one thing, but breaking free from the lies we tell ourselves is cathartic.
Who lies? Everyone lies at one time or another. You may not think you do, but you do. It can come out in ways as small as not speaking up when you know you should, or as big as pretending to be someone you're not.
Lying to yourself is a difficult thing to admit and root out of your life. Even if you don't realize that you are lying to yourself, the inner voice prodding you to deceive yourself screams more loudly than your voice of reason.
Life can be more complicated than it has to be until you take the time to reflectively look at your inner truth.
Below are "8 Steps To Stop Lying To Yourself."
Let's get started.
Stop Saying Yes When You Really Mean No

Feeling the obligation to say "Yes" against your own need to say "No" is one of the biggest problems to deal with.
Caring for others' needs at the expense of taking care of yourself first is helping everyone but yourself.
Feeling obligated to help is understandable, but if you help even though you know you shouldn't is simply lying to yourself.
Learn to say "no".
While some people may seem offended at first, it's better to say no than saying you will do something you have no intentions on following through.
Saying "no" will, like everything else, take practice, but you'll soon learn that people prefer to know that you mean what you say.
Identify Your Defense Mechanisms

The second way to identify lies you tell yourself it to identify your defense mechanisms.
If you using defensiveness, victimization, anger, intellectualizing or outrage as means to promote your point of view while ignoring all others is a form of self deception.
When you get on your high horse and demand that others should adhere to your point of view, you are lying to yourself. Your reactions are defense mechanisms.
That is not the real you. The real you is the one whose passions, beliefs, values and preferences matter, but should be vocalized and shown in constructive respectful ways.
Use your voice to help and nurture others, not treat them as targets to be won over to your point of view.
Acknowledge When You're Scared

Acknowledging fear is a good indication that you understand how we lie to protect ourselves from the consequences we are afraid will happen.
When faced with something we fear, our natural desire to protect ourselves from something fearful can cause us to lie to ourselves.
The more you acknowledge your fears, the less you'll need to lie.
Whenever you find yourself rationalizing something, ask yourself: "What am I scared might happen?"
Consciously Notice When You Are Trying To Be Someone Else

Consciously notice when you are trying to be someone else.
We are living in a copycat age where people want recipes, blueprints, and templates to make their lives easier.
It's good to model good behavior from others, but you can take this too far. Make sure you are taking the effort to show your uniqueness.
On the other hand, changing yourself to meet others' expectations will erode your individuality, and break your spirit.
We can only be who we are and just because someone wants us to be or act a certain way, doesn't mean we have to confirm.
If you have to play some predetermined script, rewrite it to reflect your unique spin.
Recognize When You're Exaggerating Your Abilities, Accomplishments And Skills

Recognize when you're exaggerating your abilities, accomplishments, and skills.
These types of lies will lead to complications like confusion, frustration , and a loss of true self-worth.
When people around you start sensing that you can't keep up those self-touted accolades, they lose confidence in you.
Exaggerations don't help you get ahead, and prevents you from being yourself.
Learn to be humble, and share your vulnerabilities with others. You'll find that sharing helps build a connection that shows you are authentic.
Be Wary Of When You Tell Yourself That Things Are Going To Change But You Do Nothing To Make This Happen

It's fine to say how you want things to get better, but saying and doing are not the same thing.
Be wary of when you tell yourself that things are going to change, but you do nothing to make this happen.
Many people lie to themselves by wishing that they'd win the lottery, receive an inheritance, find the perfect job.
Action is the key to helping yourself out of this situation. Passively waiting for things to change is nothing less than dreaming.
You'll know this lie if you find yourself saying a lot: "If only." If only won't make changes for you.
Taking action and determination are the only way to change things.
Acknowledge Your Tunnel Vision

Your truth is not necessarily my truth. But when you except your truth as the only truth, you are suffering from tunnel vision.
It's this kind of narrow approach that gets people into endless arguments from which they won't back down.
It may help to expand your awareness of the bigger world around you.
Entertain opposing opinions to your own, and listen to others who may have a different opinion than yours.
Hold Yourself To A High Standard Of Internal Truth Telling

The more effort you exert to recognize the lies you tell yourself, the more you will see.
You'll catch yourself when you lie to yourself and stop it from happening.
Amazing things will happen as you become more truthful to yourself.
You will trust yourself more and your self worth will skyrocket.

Deception is one of the hardest things to deal with. It takes two forms: lies we tell others, and lies we tell ourselves.
We can start lying in ways like saying "yes" when you really want to say "no".
If you have to always be right by making other people wrong, or that you're afraid to speak up for fear of the consequences, you are deceiving yourself.
People want to see you for who you are, so make sure you let your uniqueness shine.
Ultimately, not lying to yourself is a way of giving others the gift of the real you.
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