Your first date is happening with great excitement and anticipation.
You enter a familiar restaurant, sit at a familiar table, and hear a song that you know you've heard before.
In the middle of the meal, it hits you. You are at the same restaurant, at the same table, listening to the same music when your ex dumped you.
Your date is now ruined and the night is over.
7 Way To "De"-crease Bad Memories

Painful memories can sometimes pop up in your mind to ruin your day.
It would be nice to completely erase them totally but that will never happen. It's just not possible.
The next best thing to keep them from haunting you is to learn to get them under control.
You can learn strategies to replace those unpleasant memories.
Even though they may never disappear, you can keep them from interfering with the wonderful things you are trying to accomplish.
Here are some suggestions that will give you the power to master those bad memories and prevent them from ruining your future successes.
Let's get started.
Purposefully Forget Some Things

Before we get started dealing with the bad memories that haunt us, we must identify what are those memories.
Painful memories may be hidden because we just don't want to think about them. But taking some time to look at them directly could help you understand how to take their sting away.
Looking at the past may be hard, but to help you start the process, answer a few key question to pinpoint these details.
Write down the answers to the following questions:
- What actually happened that caused the painful situation?
- Who were the players involved?
- Where and when did it happen?
- What else was going on at that time?
- How did you feel while this was happening?
What Bothered You Most?

As you begin to examine memories, the next step is to figure out what about them that upsets you the most?
Figuring out what bothers you will show you what to forget.
Write those things down so you can work on forgetting them.
You may not be able to eliminate the existence of these events, but you can forget the some of the details that caused you pain.
Forgetting means taking the sting out of the memories that caused you so much pain.
This process is difficult, but the next technique I will give you, will help to eliminate some of the pain. It's called the "Ritual Release" process.
Practice "Ritual Release" To Get Results

Going back to your list of detailed memories that trouble you, take one memory and place in you mind.
The "Ritual Release" process is designed to help you erase the power of that memory from affecting your life.
Here's how it works:
- Take the memory with all the ugly details and turn that memory in to a photo in your mind.
- Imagine yourself taking that picture and setting it on fire.
- As the picture burns, say to yourself that you are watching the painful situation go up in flames.
- When it burns completely, take the next memory and do the same process.
Repeat this process every memory on your list, and repeat it everyday if necessary. Soon, the pain it caused will be a thing of the past.
Remove Your "Trigger Objects"

If you can get rid of the physical objects from your sight, do that.
Sometime it could be something psychological, like the smell of a certain perfume that triggers the memory. Try to associate that smell with something more pleasant.
Whatever you can do to eliminate that trigger, the less power that trigger has to elicit a negative response.
If that doesn't work, there is another option to consider, if you would be so inclined to try. It just might work.
Consider Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a state that puts you in a relaxed state where people are open to suggestion. Under the guidance of a professional, bad memories can be forgotten completely through hypnosis.
If you are the type person that can be hypnotized, this could be a viable solution.
Caution: it might not be a permanent solutions, but could help in the short term.
Weakening the effect that a negative memory has on you is what will give you greater control over your past. This next step will help even more.
Replacing Memories

Teach yourself to associate the unpleasant memories with good things. That sounds complicated but it's not.
You simply think about the unpleasant details of the memory while doing something pleasant.
The goal here is to make the pain from those memories less painful by associating them with other positive activities.
For example, you can enjoy the sweet taste of eating ice cream to get through the pain of a breakup.
If you are calorie conscious, you can replace the ice cream with listening to your favorite song.
The next suggestion is along the same line.
Make Some New Memories

To get over a bad memory, get out there and create a new one.
If your mind was a jar filled with bad memories, push those bad memories out by forcing new memories in.
Even if the new memory is not related in any way to the old, It is still beneficial.
Need some suggestions, try these things:
- Take up a new hobby
- Read a new book
- Watch a new movie
- Find a new job
- Move to a new city
- Make some new friends
Add your own items to this list.
If you still have bad memories that you can't get rid of, there is still something else you can try.
Find A Way To Improve A Bad Memory

Improving a bad memory may have circumstances that will allow you to build a new one that is similar to the memory you want to forget.
For example, you may have been fired from a job you really wanted. Even though you can't get that old job back, you can get the same job in another company.
Eventually the good experiences on the new job will drown out the negative ones of the old.
Before long your negative memory will become a thing of the past.

Super Achievers on a mission to be their best selves can be stopped in their tracks by entertaining the bad memories of the past.
Although we can't erase them completely, we can weaken their negative effects that hold us back.
Working on this starts by answering questions to identify what are those bad memories.
Triggers that bring up bad memories can be minimized by replacing them with more positives experiences.
Creating those new experiences is something you can do to replace the bad with the good.
It will take some work, but you can be free from the unpleasant effects of the past, and move forward to a future that keeps soaring to the heights of your success.
Never stop achieving.
What new activity can you do to replace on an old memory?
(Leave a comment below.)
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"Never Forget The Bad Times"

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Albert Powell
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Albert, very interesting observation. Eye opening blog.