7 Super Achiever Tips For A Productivity Shot In the Arm

Shot In The Arm

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.”

Paul J. Meyer

Everyone is productive to some degree. At least most people get their work done. Sometimes completing your tasks takes longer than others, but overall, the work does get done. 

But, if you want to SuperCharge your productivity to create more personal time ,or to increase the amount of work you produce each day, this article is for you.

Here you will learn how Super Achievers squeeze more productivity to everything they do. 

Work Harder

7 Super Achievers Tips For Higher Productivity

In addition to the things you're already doing to stay productive, here are tips to add to your productivity. They are geared to help you increase your performance and produce even more output.

You can use these tips separately or in a combination to make your work stand out from the crowd.

Try them one at a time, then add another to your arsonal. Ultimately, when done well, you will actually be able to produce more in less time.  Let's get started. 


Work harder at what you do. 

Working Harder

I know you think that you already work hard enough, but according to the Business Insider, over the course of an eight-hour workday, the average employee works for about three hours — two hours and 53 minutes, to be more precise.

That means there is a lot of time to get more work done. How can we start turning that wasted time into work? 

Practice this one technique: When you come to work, come in and put your head down, and work full blast for the entire day.  That means don't waste time.

Don't look at the workplace as a place to socialize with your friends, but as a place to produce. Cut your social interactions down to the bare minimum, so you can use your time for productive work.

This practice alone will enable you to double your productivity instantly.


Work faster.

Speed Racing

Everyone has a certain way they are used to working. It's called their flow or their daily work routine. 

To put the heat on the productivity thermometer,  develop a new sense of urgency by working faster. 

Consciously speed up your working tempo, and maintain that tempo throughout the day.

Quickly move from completing one task to the next. When you deliberately move faster, you'll be amazed at how much you'll get done. 


Work on higher-value activities.

Working High Level

To really maximize your work effort, look at all the tasks that you are commissioned to complete each day.  Of all those tasks, determine which ones have the most value to your organization.

Rate them based on the quality of the task, and the results it will produce when completed.

Then spend your time on the ones with the highest value. If you can delegate the rest, do that. If not, make sure you work on the high value tasks first.

For every hour that you spend on the high value tasks, the better results you will get. 


Do things you are better at.​

Good Working

If you have a choice over the work you can do, it can be a great advantage to pick the tasks that you are already good at. You work faster at the things you are more experienced at. 


If not, boost your skills at what you are expected to produce.  The better you become, the faster you can work.

You naturally are not good at everything, so learn what your best skills are and spend as much time as you can doing those things. 


Bunch your tasks.​

Batch Work

 The idea of batching your work from greater productivity is one easy move you can make without too much effort. 

Batching means doing  several similar activities all at the same time. A simple way to start is batch your work into these three categories: reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Group all your reading tasks together and do all the reading at the same time. Email, blogs, research reading can all be done in one reading session. 

Writing tasks like writing all your letters, filling out all your expense reports, or preparing all your proposals can be done at the same time.

Task requiring calculations can be grouped at the same time also.

Grouping your work this way will help you get better and faster with each work session. 


Simplify your work

Simplify Your Work

To simplify your work, develop a concrete system of procedures you follow to complete every job you perform.

Then look at those procedures to see how you can optimize them to make your workflow simpler.   

You might need to consolidate several parts of the job into a single task, and eliminate some unnecessary steps. Anything you can do to make your job easier will help. 

The more efficient your procedures, the faster your work will flow. 


Work longer hours.

Work Long Hours

Since the goal of greater productivity is to create more free time for you, why would I suggest working longer hours?

Don't worry.  The time I'm suggesting is not much of an investment. What I am recommending is that you start work a little earlier and stay a little later to get some extra work in.

Try this technique by starting work 15 minutes earlier, and stay over for 15 minutes. Over time, this adds up to a little more productivity each day. 

I you really want to be a Super Achiever then add a half hour at the beginning and at the end our your day. 

By starting your day earlier than the average person, you beat the traffic into work, and you leave after the traffic dissipates a little before leaving for the day.

 As these extra hours add up, it won't be long before you become one of the most productive and highest-paid people in your field.

Productivity Super Achiever


It is easy to become more productive than you already are by using some of these tips. But if you want to become a productivity Super Achiever, use a combination of all these tips to make you stand out from anyone in your organization. 

Being more productive gives you notoriety as a productivity Super Achiever, but will also allow you to free up your personal time to do what you want without the stress of feeling like there is alway unfinished work to do. 

You will become an even more valuable resource to your company, while getting more things accomplished. 

Try some of the tips and let me know how well they work for you. 

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"Make something great happen today."

Albert Powell