"People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy." --Tony Robbins

By now, the people who decided to make 2020 the year to make a positive change are busy taking steps to actually make those changes a reality. They have already begun their new exercise routine, they already decide to start eating better, and are starting to manage their time more efficiently. They are on the move.
But as I stated in the article "Jump Into Action With Motivational Quotes", science says that 92 percent of these people will never complete their goals. This is not a very encouraging statistic.
I want you to be in the eight percent of the population that does complete your mission.
The following is a list of 7 tips to keep you on your game when you get tired and want to quit. My hope is that one of these tips will motivate you to keep moving.

Before we even get started, let's look at some hard facts first. When we approach our mission with the facts, at least we know what lies ahead.
The fact is that incorporating any new change into your life is not easy. Because we are victims to the powerful forces of habitual routine, it is hard to break them to incorporate something new.
It's easy to maintain status quo, and forcing a new element into an already established routine takes effort.
Preparing your mind with this fact upfront will make understanding the difficulties you may face a lot easier. When the pain comes and you want to quit, remind yourself that anything new you want to incorporate into your daily routine is not easy.
For some reason, Super Achievers are so intent on achieving their goals, that they don't leave any room for the nature growth process. Their strong need for immediate results makes it tough to make it through the nature growth progression.
Give yourself ample time to grow. No seed planted in the ground today will bare fruit tomorrow.
Let yourself go through a nature growth process by planting your seed and nurturing that seed with daily care. Work on achieving your goals by nurturing it with the day-to-day tasks that will grow something great over time.
Give yourself some breathing room for your efforts to grow.

Today, it seems, everyone wants to know the secret sauce to acquiring something overnight. Yes, technology can speed up a lot of things, and there is an app for everything.
However, there is no substitute for just putting in the work. There is no magic pill. Just put in the work and you will always get the job done.
Any skilled person will tell you that they become a consummate professional by doing the hard work. It's that simple.
There is no shortcut to success. Tell yourself everyday that you are going to do the work necessary to get today's work done.
Whenever you decide to do something great with your life, not matter what it is, there is a reason behind it. There is a motivational factor that makes you jump into action, and actually go for it.
Only you know what that is. If it's that important to you, then you are the one that has the ability to motivate yourself.
Learn how to take that special reason that turns you into a champion and motivate yourself. When you motivate yourself from within, you will be sure to get the work done. Doing the work will enable you to reach your dreams.
Scheduling your time is one of the most important secret weapons of a Super Achiever. Once you decide to track your time with a schedule, you begin to see the activities that will make meeting your daily goals possible.
With that figured out, the next step is to make it sticky. By that I mean, use that schedule every single day. Never let it leave your side. Stick to that schedule like glue, and never leave home without it.
Your sticky schedule will be the heartbeat that keeps the blood pumping through your activity veins .

No, I am not a rapper or a poet, but I do know that it takes focus to win this race.
Focusing on the most import tasks requires a process of categorizing productive activities, and prioritizing what gets done.
With all the distractions bombarding us everyday minute of every day, it is so important, even critical, that we learn to cut through the noise.
Kill the unimportant activities, categorize the important ones, and prioritize what you will tackle every day.
Overcoming the biggest hurtle, which is just starting, is complete. Now it's time to keep this ship afloat. Make up your mind to keep going no matter what.
There are countless things that could come along to jam the pendulum from moving, but don't let that happen to you. Keep moving no matter what.
Everyday may not be easy, and your motivation may be low sometimes, but what ever you do, don't quit. Make that your mantra, "I will not quit". "I will not quit".

These 7 Super Achiever Motivational Moves can make you a winner! Keep them in mind as you take your journey to accomplishing anything you want.
Every step may not be easy, and other distractions will temp you to get off your path, but stick to your schedule of completing only prioritized tasks each day.
Take the time to nurture what you want to grow, and never stop moving forward.
You are the winner when you decide to never quit running.
Thank You

"Thanks for reading.
Hope it helps you in some way.
Please post a comment below, and let me know what you think.
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The information you share with someone could be the difference between success and failure in their life.
And remember,
"Make something great happen today."
Albert Powell
Love,this blog. I am on vacation now, but when I go back I have some new computer training I have to go through, so when it gets tuff I will remember, I Will NOT QUIT, I will press through. Great blog. Thank you Albert.