Contributions to this world come from individuals sharing their unique gifts and talents to improve the lives of those around them.
You are one of those individuals. Just like everyone else, you have an unspoken responsibility to use your unique skills to improve your community and the world at large.
What is your unique skill or talent? What can you contribute? What is it that makes you different from the next person?
In this post we will help you look at yourself from a different perspective. Other people may recognize your uniqueness, but you may not have identified it yet.
There is not another person on the planet exactly like you. Keep reading to find out how you can stand out from the crowd.

6 Strategies to Make Your Unique Contribution
Contributions that help shape the progress in the lives of people all around the world don't have to be a big ones.
These contributions could be something as small as letting someone go ahead of you in the grocery store, or helping your kids with their homework.
Your contribution may be helping out people around you during everyday life whenever the opportunity arises.
If you are wondering what your unique contribution is, the following 6 tips will help you make that determination.
Let's get started.
Find Your Unique Focus

Identifying your uniqueness can be hard to put your finger on when you are engaged in your day-to-day activities.
Let's take another focus by asking this question; "What is it that you are most passionate about?"
What is it that gets you all pumped up and gets your blood flowing?
That may be the very thing that you can use to meet some of the challenges around that topic. Offering your assistance to solve those problems might reveal your calling.
While there are many serious issues equally worthy of your attention and support, you'll have the greatest impact if you focus on the challenges that you are the most passionate about.
Consider Where You Have The Greatest Impact

In your life, where do you have the greatest impact?
You may not have access to millions of people on your Instagram account, but you could have 50 good friend on your Facebook.
You can only use what you have at your disposal to make the greatest impact.
What can you offer?
Consider your natural abilities, skills and strengths and how you can use these to make a positive contribution in your own unique way.
The bottom line is that you have a strong belief and determination in using your personal power to make the lives of others better.
Educate And Inform Yourself

If you have identified your passion and understand your sphere of influence, and still don't see how you can contribute, you may want to go a step further.
Educate and inform yourself of the problems that exist around you that are affecting others. How can you help? What skills do you have that can add to the solution?
You may feel that you need more knowledge to make your impact stronger. Dig that information out through research and analysis.
This might sound like hard work. It is. If you're serious about implementing positive change, it's important to be as knowledgeable as possible.
Plus, if it's something you're truly passionate about, then you will most likely find the motivation to do this.
Turn ignorance into knowledge.
Inform Others About Your Knowledge And Causes

As your knowledge grows, your ability to contribute becomes greater.
Share your knowledge with others and make them aware of the causes that you are working to advance.
They may not share your enthusiasm, but they will surely call on you for input.
Explore Your Options For Making Your Mark

Another possibility for discovering your unique opportunity to help is to explore your options for making your mark.
Try volunteering your time and resources to various organizations you want to explore. Not all will fit your level of interest or passion, but could lead to a greater awareness of what you can do to contribute.
A more obvious way is to just take a look around you to see where you can add your influence to make those lives around you better.
The opportunities are endless.
Share Your Talents With The World

Sharing your talent with the world is a great way to help make your world better. You don't have to be world famous to share your special skills. You just need a willingness to put yourself out there.
No matter how big or small your gift may be, sharing your talent can make a difference.
If you have a great smile, share it to brighten someone's day. If you are a photographer, share your photos on Instagram. And if you are good at math, tutor someone struggling with that subject.
Everyone can give something.

Celebrate your uniqueness in everything you do to enhance the lives of those around you.
If you don't know what that uniqueness is, focus on a few areas that will help.
Start by looking at your passions, because with them, you find the enthusiasm to solve problems around that cause.
Look at your surroundings to see where there is opportunity to contribute and have the most impact. You may not have access to the whole world, but you can help the neighbor across the street.
Still don't think you are qualified to help, then educate yourself on a topic that's important to you, and share that knowledge with others.
Pull out that talent that you possess and use it to brighten the lives of others. That's a great way to make your mark.
You have been given something that no one else in the world has. Find out what that is and make your contribution.
This world will be a better place one person at a time.
What are the unique gifts you bring to this world?
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