3 Approaches To Make Problem Solving Easier

Solving Problems

Maira Kalman

“I truly believe there’s always a solution to every problem.” 

3 Approaches To Make Problem Solving Easier

Achieving greatness in anything in life is determined by how well you handle challenges. 

The ability to solve the challenges requires a skill set that many Super Achievers learn, sometimes the hard way. To succeed you must know how to solve problems big or small. 

It's hard to face the challenges head on, but here are "3 Approaches To Make Problem Solving Easier."   You can use any approach you like to apply to any problem that you trying to tackle. 

The Methodical Approach, The Creative, and Emotional Control Approach are the three we will present. This week we will outline the Methodical approach. 

Let's get started.

Calculating Probability

Part 1.

The Methodical Approach


Define The Problem

Define the Problem

First, define the problem as clearly as you can. That sounds simple, but many times we are confronted with a bunch of harmful symptoms that mask the real problem. 

Dig deeply through the facts to get to the real problem. Don't be fooled by symptoms.  They can be distracting, and hide the root of the matter. 

In this process you will discover many extraneous matters which can be dealt with later.

Completely focus on the problem until you fully understand it thoroughly.


Make The Important Decisions First

Hard Problems First

Once you've defined the problem, you have a good understanding of what you're dealing with.

Now, it's time to make some decisions. Look at the pain and decide what is the most important thing that will eliminate that pain. 

Immediately make a decision to take some action. Decide what to focus on, what needs done, and how to go about doing it. 

Once you take action, don't doubt yourself. Keep moving forward knowing that your initial action may not completely resolve the situation.  

But nothing gets done unless you act. There is always time to make adjustments along the way.


Simplify The Problem

Making Decisons Easier

Many problems can be complicated with many facets that need addressed. Those problems can feel overwhelming and difficult to solve.

However, they can be handled by simplifying them. To do that, take one problem and break it down into several parts that can be address individually.  

Dealing with pieces of a problem, one at a time, will help you understand it and find a solution to it.

If you can take several related problems and apply a solution that can help remedy them all, that is a way to simplify your job.

For an extremely hard to solve problem, try journaling about it to help you get more clarity. This can even help you separate the emotion behind the issue, and deal with the facts only. 


Outline What You Know And Don't Know


At times, it may be necessary to treat problem solving like putting together a 500 word puzzle. 

Outline all the knowledge you have and put it on the table to identify what you know and what you don't.

You may have more knowledge than you realize.

The information you are lacking, you can seek to retrieve it from other sources.

Next, organize all this information in a meaningful way and apply it to the resolution.


Anticipate Future Outcomes

Look At The Options

Once you've compiled a solution that you think is feasible, play out that solution in your head to see how it feels.

Now ask, what happens if it doesn't work as planned? Consider how your possible outcomes affect all those involved.

Then, come up with a Plan B. This will be your insurance policy against failure. Think about the best-case scenario and the worst-case scenario.

If necessary, you may even want to come up with a Plan C. Whatever you feel is needed for success, make it happen. 


Allocate Your Resources

Use Your Resources

Will money solve all your problems? No, but you do need resources to solve problems.

Those resources can include time, money, effort, travel, people, and expert knowledge.

 When solving problems is a top priority, you will need to allocate some resources. Make sure you have what you need to apply to your situation.

Winning at Problem Solving


Your ultimate success and happiness depends on how skilled you are at solving life's challenges.

There are 3 distinctive approaches we can present to help you tackle all types of problems.

The Methodical Approach, The Creative, and Emotional Control Approach are the three approaches you can use.

This is about the Methodical Approach.  

You define the problem, assess what you're looking at, and apply the resources to get to a resolution.

Take this approach and try it on for size. Soon you will be flexing your problem solving muscles at will.

Next week, we'll look at the Creative Approach.


What is the biggest problem you are finding a solution for?  

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