Benefits of Greater Self-Control
Undoubtedly one of the hardest attributes to incorporate into our lives is that of developing a high degree of self-control. Self-control and discipline are used interchangeably in this post but it all relates to the ability to control our impulses and delay gratification.
If we can manage to develop our self-control, the benefits will apply to all areas of our lives from maintaining health and experiencing happiness.
Weight Control
Mastering one of the biggest culprits that most people deal with are things like weight control. Self-control can be the weapon that can help overcome this problem which in turn can prevent a myriad of other related problems.
Educational Achievements
Several studies indicate the benefits that self-control has in educational achievements. When obtaining any academic accomplishments, the more self-control you have the higher levels of academic proficiency you can obtain. This translates to a predictor of higher wages and occupational prestige.
Criminal Behavior
The impact of self-control even reaches the examination of criminal behavior and substance abuse. On a global scale self-control remains at a low level in this arena.
Health and Happiness
So exhibiting high levels of self-control are responsible for both happiness and well-being in general.
The following is a how to for taking steps today to get started on your journey to develop greater capacities for self-control.

22 Things You Can Do Today To Increase Your Self-Control
Do Your Research
Before you begin on a very difficult journey to increase your self-control, do some research first. Know what is really involved in accomplishing the task you set out to tackle.
The size and complexity of your goals may be bigger than you think. Do your homework first.
Engage A Positive Mindset About Yourself
No matter what you have or haven't done in the past, start fresh by engaging a positive mindset about yourself.
You have a mental voice whispering things in your ear about yourself all the time.
Turn those negative thoughts into positive ones. Replace the negative with, "I will do it", thoughts.
Live Life First
Goal attainment is the purpose of gaining more self-control, but don't stop living until all your goals are met.
Keep living your life no matter where you are in
your goal achieving process. Even though you may not be there yet, you can still enjoy your life to the fullest.
You will always be in the process of improving your life.

Timing Is Everything
As motivated as you may be to increase your self-discipline, consider the timing in which you want to exert the most effort.
For example, holidays like Thanksgiving may not be the best time to start a weight loss program. Staying disciplined at that time may be too hard to maintain self-control. Pick a time where you chances of success are more likely.
Anticipate Setbacks
Accomplishing anything worthwhile in life is full of setbacks.
Don't consider setbacks as failures. Anticipate that there will be setbacks. Get back on track and keep moving.
You may want to adjust your plan to avoid certain obstacles, but keep at it. You will get through.
Set Goals to Reinforce Your Resolve
To really intensify your efforts, set both long term and short term goals.
I'm sure you have them, but to intensify your efforts, write them on a piece of paper.
Then, display them in obvious places where you can read them all throughout the day.
After a while they will become an internalized force that just becomes a part of your being.
Personalize Objectives To Suit You
At times it seems like everyone knows what's best for you. In order to be most effective, pick the goals to suit your needs and wants.
Everyone's personalities are different. Pick out what fits you best. You are the one making the commitment to do the work, so make sure you are doing something that is personal to you.

The A in SMART Goals is Attainable
Sometimes, in our enthusiasm to climb the mountain, we can set goals that are so high they are simply unattainable without an absolute miracle.
Not matter how grand they sound, they may not be possible. So, look at your goals to make sure they are attainable given your time and resources. As you achieve the practical one, set another even higher.
Eventually you will get to the mountaintop.
Pace Yourself
If you are a Super Achiever, be on guard not to overextend yourself to the point that your self discipline program starts negatively affecting other parts of your life.
Conduct a self-check every now and then to make sure that other parts of your life stay in balance.
Monitor Your Progress
Self monitoring is the process of tracking what you do in a way that can be reviewed regularly. It can be done on paper, on your phone, or computer.
But tracking will allow you to make adjustments to become even better each day.
You can also track your progress to celebrate your accomplishments. Reward yourself for your hard work.
Get An Accountability Partner
Finding an accountability partner who is equally invested in helping you achieve your goals can be a great motivator.
The process of just telling another person builds more resolve for you to stay on target. A partner can be a great source of encouragement to keep you moving forward.

Reach Out For Help
As soon as you learn that an obstacle is too big for you to handle alone, don't hesitate to quickly reach out for help.
Others who have more experience doing what you are trying to do can be a valuable resource. It may require the help of a professional. Either way, don't be afraid to ask for help.
Stay On The Positive Side
As mentioned earlier, always see yourself obtaining the very things you're after. That keeps you on the positive side of the equation. The journey is hard, and reinforcing your mind with positive thoughts makes it a lot more enjoyable.
Take Periodic Breaks
Wouldn't it be nice if we were like self generating machines that never have to stop running? Unfortunately we're not. We are humans that have to recharge every now and them.
So, give yourself a break sometimes. Everyone needs to recharge the batteries. Don't feel guilty if you need a little downtime.
Practice Selfcare
Your health and wellbeing are the most important factors to consider in this process of self improvement.
Look at every aspect of your life and make sure you are attending to each one. You are too important to neglect.

Don't Over Tax Your Resources
The temptation these day is to get quick results. To accommodate that we may be lured into spending too much time and money on programs or products that claim to be the quick fix.
These, taken to extreme, can cause more problems than we want to handle. Keep it simple, and just patiently put in the work. Results will come.
Reward Yourself For Accomplishments
People work hard if they know there is a reward waiting for them. Those rewards along the way help to increase you motivation to keep working.
Reward your accomplishments. You deserve it.
Improve Your Plan
Plans are set with the understanding that the further we go down the path, some adjustments will become necessary.
The goals you set in the beginning may be too low or too high. The more skill you gain at self-control, the greater your capacity to accomplish more.
So, adjust your plans to keep challenging your skills.
Look Out For Temptations
Temptations can come in many different ways to get you off your game. Some you can't anticipate, but others you can.
If you know what they are, put a plan in place to avoid them altogether. If you can't plan for them, when they show up, dismiss the tempting thought from you mind as quickly as possible.
Replace those tempting thoughts with thoughts of reaching your goals.

Identify Positive Role Models
When you start out, you are working by faith that all your efforts will pay off, giving you the end goal that you desire.
But it becomes even more believable if you can identify others who have already succeeded at what you are trying to accomplish.
These are your role models. Examining what they did can give you ideas that you can use for your own journey.
Be All-In
Developing skills like self-control is something that will benefit you the rest of your life.
You can apply it in every situation where you want to get results. It's a lifelong work of art.
Be committed for the long haul. Be all-in. No turning back. Your life will be a rewarding one.

Share Your Accomplishment With The World
You are doing a wonderful thing for yourself and all those around you.
Share your accomplishments with the world. You can be a source of inspiration to others.
They will be proud of you as you should be proud of yourself. What an excellent source of motivation.

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Albert Powell