15 Surefire Ways To Show A Friend That You Care

Unfortunately, losing some good friends to Covid 19 made me realize that I should have let them know how much they meant to me before it was too late.
I've learned a valuable lesson. Show your friends how much they mean to you while you can.
If you are so inclined, there are tons of options you can use to show them you really care. These "15 Surefire Ways To Show A Friend That You Care" are just a start. Hopefully you can come up with more.
Let's get started.
Tell Them How Much They Mean To You

The No.1 way to show your friends how much you care is to tell them. Open up and say it out loud. If you've never done that before, now's the time to do it.
Many times we assume our friends know how we feel about them, so we don't take the time to tell them. When you open up and tell them directly, the good feeling you give them is worth every minute.
Imagine how good it feels when someone tells you how much they appreciate you. Give them an opportunity to feel that same feeling.
If you don't know exactly what to say, start with these;
- "Hey, just so you know, I'm here for you if you need anything. I've always got your back."
- "I hope you know that you are important to me and I care about you."
- "Whatever you're going through - good or bad - I'm here if you need me."
- "Your friendship means the world to me."
Whatever you do, make sure it is sincere. It's will mean the world when it come straight from the heart.
Ask Them Questions About Themselves

Another way to show your friend that you are interested in them is to ask questions. Simply show an active interest in what they are up to.
Encourage them to open up and share the things that are happening in their lives. Ask open ended questions that will allow them to start talking. These questions will show how much you care about them.
Ask them more questions than you normally would, just to show them that you are taking an active attempt to show you are interested in everything they do.
Don't take this too far, because you don't want to put them on trial. Probing too deeply can be a little suspicious. Play it by ear and be sensitive to their reactions.
Check To See How They're Doing

Check in regularly just to see how your friend is doing. Casually ask with a simple, "How are you today?" will suffice.
This is especially important if you know that they are dealing with a lot. Even if they are ok, they will know that you're there for them.
The fact that you asked means a lot. Sometimes people just need to know someone is in their corner.
When they do answer, let them vent. Your job is to simply listen. The things that are happening to them are the most important things at the moment. So, let them get it off their chest.
Go Out Of Your Way To See or Talk To Them

Does your friend always call you to hang out? If so, surprise them, and call them first for a change. Show that you are making the effort to contribute as much to the relationship as they are.
When it comes to friendships, it's all about maintaining a healthy balance. This balance may not always be 50-50, but in the end, it should balance out.
Let them know that you are going out of your way to put in the effort to prove how much they mean to you.
Call or text early to make plans, and let them know you are anticipating spending time with them.
Maintaining a friendship takes work on both parts. Make sure you are pulling your weight. Your friend will see your effort and value you even more.
Listen When They Express Themselves

The simple act of listening as your friend discusses their problems, joys, or ideas is a great way to show that you care about them and what they are going through.
There are two kinds of listening; active and passive. The active kind lets people talk, vent, and express their emotions without any judgement. Instead, empathic encouragement shows that you are engaged, but in a supportive way.
The passive kind is just listening without showing any genuine interest. This type of listening causes your friend to feel like you are just patronizing them.
When they talk to you, make them feel important by internalizing what they say and respond appropriately.
Show you are really listening by maintaining eye contact and use some body language like leaning forward to show interest.
Every once in a while, repeat back what your friend has told you to show you are listening and heard them correctly.
Your friend will appreciate your supportive listening, and will enjoy talking to you about anything that's on their mind.
Show Some Love On Social Media

Expressing your appreciation publicly on social media can really make them feel good. Hop on whatever platform you both use, and create a post bragging about how awesome your friend is.
You can make it sappy and sweet, or do something more comedic or silly. Just keep it flattering. Make it public and make sure your friend sees it. They are sure to feel appreciated.
Use this one with care. Make sure your friend doesn't mind having their information public. By all mean, never post anything that is embarrassing, or unflattering.
Celebrate Their Successes

It's good to be there for your friend, not only when things are going badly, but also when things are going well.
Celebrate all their success as if they were you own. Play it up like you couldn't be prouder of them. Success is much sweeter when it feels like you have a support team cheering you on.
When the successes happen, immediately throw your arms in the air and tell them how happy you are for them.
Smile, give them a big bear hug, or offer to take them out on the town to celebrate.
Give Them A Gift For No Reason At All

Get your friend a gift for no reason at all.
If you come across something you know they would like, get it and wrap it up. Give it to them when they least expect it.
Not only will they be surprised, but it will also let them know that you are thinking about them even when you are not together.
This gift doesn't have to be big to be appreciated. You can do something like write them a letter and put it in a nice envelope.
The thing that will make it really special is if you make it personal. They will know that you really care when it is personal.
Give Them A Good Hug

Physical contact is one of the most basic ways people show appreciation for one another. A hand on the shoulder or a special handshake are some examples.
However, one of the best ways is to simply give them a hug. You don't have to awkwardly go out of your way to give them one. Just keep it natural and spontaneous.
These days a heartfelt fist bump or elbow bump will convey the same feeling of closeness.
Some people may not want to be hugged at all. If that is true for your friend, don't push it. Respect their boundaries.
Remember Important Dates

Recalling someone's big day without being told is a huge way to show that you care.
Not only should you remember these dates, but also let your friend know ahead of time that you remember. To do this, casually mention it like this; "You have something special coming up. What do you plan to do to celebrate?"
They will be surprised and delighted that you remembered.
To make sure you remember, jot these dates down in your calendar and set reminders on your phone. You will look very impressive for remembering.
Do Something You Both Enjoy

Nothing fosters more comradery than doing something that you both enjoy. If you are paying close attention, you will be able to identify what those activities are.
Then, make it a point to invite your friend to engage in that activity. Here are some ideas you can try:
- Go see a game or a concert together
- Go to a special restaurant for a good meal
- Take a trip together to a place you've never been
- Ask them to engage in a hobby with you
You get the idea. Make sure you are both enjoying the experience, and you will be just fine.
Make Them Something Delicious

If you have some cooking skills, show them you care with a delicious meal. You can make them their favorite dish, or surprise them with a dish you think they will love.
It doesn't really have to be a full blown meal. You can make some homemade snacks you both can enjoy. Cookies, cakes, and pies are all traditional favorites when it come to gifts.
To make it even more fun, you could call this a friendship dinner party. Just have some fun with it.
Take A Load Off For Them

If you know your friend really well, you will be able to tell when they are overburdened with the stress in their lives.
Think about what's happening in their lives, and do something to make things easier for them. If you can, anticipate when you think they will need your help, and give it without being asked.
One of the greatest acts of kindness is to take care of something that they genuinely dislike. They will be extremely grateful.
Keep Your Word

Keeping your promises to a friend shows that you are dependable and reliable. Go back on your word, and you're sending the message that your friend is not important enough to keep a promise.
This is one thing that will cause serious damage to your relationship.
If you agree to do something or be somewhere, make sure you stick to your word.
If your friend is relying on you to do something, make sure you make it happen.
If you make a promise, keep it. It is vitally important.
Acknowledge When You're Wrong

Apologizing is an essential aspect of showing someone that you care. Even if you are not 100% at fault, it will go a long way for your friendship if you apologize anyway.
You are not perfect and will make mistakes. When you do, let you friend know that you are human.
When disagreements between you flair up, ask yourself what is most important; winning the argument or preserving your friendship.
Even if you don't feel like you did anything wrong, talk to them and try to get them to see things from your standpoint.
As long as they feel like you're making an effort to meet them halfway, things should work out.

Friends are a precious gift that we are given to allow us to experience life more fully. Sometimes we assume that they know how we feel about them, but many times they don't know.
If you value that friend, the best way to let them know how much they mean to you is to just verbally tell them.
Ask questions to let them know you are interested in them, and make it a point to take the time to really listen to them.
Always check on them to make sure they are OK. If they are under stress, take the load off of them by helping in any way you can.
Celebrate their successes and let others know how great they are by posting your appreciation for them on social media.
Sometimes a simple hug can say it all. Surprise them with a gift or invite them to do something special with you.
Whatever you do, make sure you keep your promises, and if you've wrong for anything, apologize.
These are just a few ways you can show a friend how much you care for them, but there are many more. I hope you find them and use them to strengthen the relationship.
You can do it.
After all you are
("Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect")
I would like to see you include family members in this list. Last week I had three first-cousins. All in their 90s. This week I have only two. I feel very lonesome. Yet every point you gave applied to each of my relatives. And my relation to them.
Abby, you are so correct. This applies to family members as well as anyone who you care about. So, sorry about your family members who have passed. Hopefully you can find some solace remembering all the good times you’ve shared. Appreciate you input.