11 Steps to “Unstoppable”


Zig Ziglar

“Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.” 

11 Steps To "Unstoppable"

Celebrate the Unstoppable

Want to become an "Unstoppable" force that keeps generating amazing results in your life? The secret can be found in these "11 Steps To Unstoppable".

Maxwell Maltz, in his classic book Psycho-Cybernetics states that we are goal-striving beings, and derive the most happiness when we are striving toward some desirable goal. 

When we are striving to meet our positive goals, we feel happy regardless of the circumstances we may face along the way. 

When we are on this goal driven journey, we become unstoppable.

This article is a checklist that you can use to make sure you get on that path to "Unstoppable". 

Let's get started.  


Determine What You Want To Achieve 

Solve problems

The first step to the road of accomplishment is to make sure you have a clearly defined vision for what you want your future to be.

With a clear vision in place, goal setting is the way to make that vision a reality. 


Think Positively About How You Will Achieve Your Goals

Think Positively

Now let's spend a little thinking time to contemplate how you can achieve your goals. 

Put your mind in a positive state exercising your belief in yourself that you can actually get your goals accomplished. 

Yes, believe in yourself and your abilities. 

Napoleon Hill says, "whatever that mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve." 


Put It In Writing

Setting Goals

Next, to make your goals even more tangible, get them out of your head and put them into writing. 

The processes of writing them down makes them real. There is power in seeing your goals on paper that solidifies them in your mind.


Where Is Your Baseline?

Starting Point

Where do we begin and where is our starting line?  

Take a look at your current position in relation to your goals to see, not only how far you have to go, but also where you can start.

Set your baseline to get started, and measure your progress from there.  


How Strong Is Your Why?

Have A Strong Why

Show me an unstoppable person, and behind their accomplishments, you'll find a strong why.

Recognizing why you want to achieve reveals an emotional driver that keeps you determined and focused.  

A strong why will keep you in the fight every day in spite of what obstacles come your way. 


Set A Completion Date

Set Deadlines

We all know Parkinson's Law which states that the work expands to fill the time available for its completion.

Set concrete deadlines for completing your goals and hold yourself accountable. 


Identify The Obstacles

Jump Hurdles

Identify the obstacles that could get in your way. It's not negative thinking to do this, but it's proactive thinking instead. 

It's better to have a mitigation plan in place before a challenge is upon you. Do not overlook this step because if you are unprepared, the consequences may not be pleasant.


Assess Your Skills

Assess Your Skills

Another great question to ask is the skills question. 

Are there additional skills you need to learn or additional knowledge you need to acquire. 

To get to your destination, you may have to upgrade your skills. Identifying them early will give you an opportunity to get prepared to acquire those skills.


Create Your Support Team

Get A Support Team

Being "Unstoppable" is not a solo act. You need the support of other people who want to help you succeed.

Build a support team of knowledgeable, helpful, and successful people you can depend on.


Continually Revisit Your Goals

Revisit Goals

I believe in the power of repetition to reinforce your commitment to completing your goals, so revisit them frequently. 

In fact, keep your written list of goals in front of you everyday to stay energized.


Be Consistent

Be Consistent

Finally, the secret weapon that will make you totally "Unstoppable" is consistency. 

Learning to work consistently will completely change your life. Using consistency will allow you to build a skyscraper one brick at a time. 

Consistently take steps everyday to accomplish anything you desire. You know what you want, how to get there, and now have taken consistent action to get there. 

Consistently is the secret weapon to become "Unstoppable".

Be Unstoppable


Becoming "Unstoppable" is something that each of us can accomplish when we know some helpful tips to get in the game. 

Everything happens when we formulate a concrete vision for what we want our future to look like. 

If we can articulate our clear vision, then we can break them down into achievable goals.

Believe in yourself and your ability to achieve those goals by putting them in writing, setting a deadline, and reviewing them daily.

To reinforce your commitment, form a support team that can give you assistance, and hold you accountable. 

With all these things in place, the magic weapon that will make you "Unstoppable" is consistency. 

Decide today to become "Unstoppable" and make your vision a reality. 


What is the one goal that will completely change your life for the better? 

(Leave a comment below.) 

Watch This for Some More Motivation

"Believe In Your Strength"

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