10 Ways To Uplift Your Mood With Some Good Old Fashion Conversation
"Super Achievers" have a knack for creating engaging conversations that make everyone they talk to feel better about themselves.
Making this type of conversation is not an easy task. Some people are a bit shy and feel they would rather do anything besides talking to anyone.
Not everyone is naturally gregarious but for others, good conversation takes work. Learning to become a good conversationalist is not as difficult as you may image.
It just takes a little practice. There are some steps you can take to learn to relax and have a great conversation with practically anyone.
Here are some steps to get started.
Offer A Compliment To Start A Conversation

If you want to start a conversation on a positive note, start it by giving a genuine compliment. Saying something nice can be a nice ice-breaker.
Try to choose something specific when you offer a compliment. Make sure you are being sincere.
Try saying something encouraging to a co-worker whom you would want to get to know better. They will hopefully receive it and join in the conversation.
Don't exaggerate or go to far with it, and be mindful not to offend anyone.
Comment On Your Surrounding

Another quick conversation started is to comment on your surroundings. Find something of interest and make a comment about it.
It doesn't have to be profound, just something to get the conservation started.
The weather, the cup of coffee you just drank, the time of the week are good subjects to start with.
Perfect Your Timing

Timing is key to starting a great conversation. No one likes to be interrupted if they are busy or preoccupied.
Scheduling time to talk with someone is the best thing to do, but handling impromptu conversations also requires the right timing.
You can tell when your opportunity comes. There is usually a moment of silence that needs broken. That's a great time to get a quick word in.
Ask Good Questions

Asking good questions is a good way to get the conversation flowing. Ask open-ended questions that require more than just a yes or no answer.
Then, let the conversation flow naturally where it wants to go. Listen so that you can show that you understand the other person's point of view.
The important thing is that you actively participate. Openly give you point of view. Clarify you points so that the other person understands.
Be An Active Listener

Being an active listener is a powerful way to enhance more meaningful conversation.
Active listening is merely responding to your conversational partner and demonstrating that you are fully engaged in the discussion.
It makes the other person feel valued and respected. You can let them know you are engaged by using positive body language like maintaining good eye contact throughout the conversation.
In my post entitled “Deep Listening Heals The Heart - 7 Tips To Get Started”, offers some critical ways to use listening as a healing agent.
Be Genuine

Be genuine in your conversations by demonstrating that your interest in the other person is sincere.
Being sincere shows that you value the other person's opinion whether you agree with them or not.
When someone feels you're sincere, they are more likely to open up with their honest feedback.
People respond in kind. When you are sincere with them, they are more likely to be sincere with you.
Find Common Ground

If you're wanting to get to know another person, maybe you can start by searching for the common ground between you.
Think about the other person and their interests. Is there anything that you have in common?
If you don't know that person well, Ask questions until you touch on some common ground. It may take some effort, but if you make a connection, it will be worth it.
Stay Current On Timely Topics

No one can keep up with everything that's happening in this fast-paced world we live in, but keep as current as you can on certain topics that interest you.
Some people do this by watching the news, or taking classes. The method you use is completely up to you, but the more you are aware, the larger your pool of topics you can discuss with others.
Soon you will have a wide range of topics you can add to a conversation.
Monitor Your Body Language

We already mentioned a little about the importance of body language. However, taking it one step further, learn to actually monitor you body language to make sure you are sending the right message.
Your physical behavior is an important component of any face to face communications.
Monitor the way you stand while communicating, and ensure you are maintaining good eye contact.
There are other non-verbal clues you can use like nodding your head, and smiling in agreement.
Avoid Talking Too Much

Sometimes when we're nervous, we can begin over-sharing and find it hard to stop talking.
Over talking like this can lead you to say something embarrassing to you or to the listener. This can be an awkward to recover from.
To overcome this, monitor your tendencies and when you see it pop up, deal with it right away.
Calm yourself down and think first before you begin to talk. This can slow you down and take care of the nerves.
Stay up on the topics of the day so that you can find some common ground to talk about. While you are talking, pay attention to your own body language to make sure you are sending the right message.
When we get nervous during a conversation, we have a tendency to start talking a lot. Make sure you are not talking too much.. Calm down and think about what you want to say first.

No matter what you want to accomplish in life, becoming a good conversationalist will benefit you tremendously.
Making engaging conversation is not an easy task. There are some things you can do to talk to just about anyone.
The easiest way to get a conversation started in a positive direction is to start by giving a compliment. A well directed compliment can elevate someone's mood and get them thinking in a positive frame of mind.
Another way to get the conversation started is to comment on your surroundings. You can comment of things like the weather or anything that catches your eye.
Timing is an important component to an engaging conversation. You don't want to interrupt someone especially if they engaged in other activities.
Make sure you ask questions and actively listen to the responses. You want to show that you genuinely care about what the other person is saying.
Good communication, just like anything else is a learning process which requires practicing. Practice with people you are comfortable with and tackle people you barely know.
It's all about building relationships and getting to know more about that person.
You can do it.
After all, you are a
"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".
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Albert Powell
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