10 Way To Show Basic Respect - Everyone Deserves It

Everyone on this planet is here for a reason. They may not know exactly what that is, but they do serve a purpose. Therefore, everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
Knowing how to give basic respect for everyone is an attribute that will serve you wherever you go in life. The following are "10 Ways To Show Basic Respect" to everyone.
At its core, showing respect means showing that you value other people's perspectives, time, and their space. Put yourself in their shoes and behave in a way that shows you care about them.
Give respect to everyone whether or not they deserve it. It's not about them, it's about you.
Let's get started.
Show Kindness and Courtesy

Being respectful starts with a basic consideration of the other person's feelings.
The way to begin is to ask yourself how you would want someone to treat you. What is it that makes you feel respected?
Then, treat everyone you encounter like that. They could be teachers, coworkers, classmates, family members or even strangers on the street.
Treat them all with the same respect.
Be Polite

As kids you were taught in school to be polite and use your manners. As an adult the same rules apply.
The concept of etiquette functions as a way to keep society running in a smooth and pleasant manner. It makes the events in your day-to-day life more tolerable.
Here is a list of things you can do to practice being polite.
- Wait your turn. Don't cut in line
- Avoid disruptive talking in public
- Don't talk to people indoors on your cell when it is on speaker
- Clean up after yourself
- Speak politely
- Say please and thank you
- Avoid name-calling or aggressive speech in public
- Obey the rule for public safety
Practice being polite to everyone you meet, and see how much more enjoyable spending time with people can be.
Refuse To Discriminate

Be respectful to everyone - not just the people you know and like. Don't discriminate based on what you think someone can do for you.
Some people save their respect for people who they want to make a good impression on. And they're rude to everyone else.
There is a saying that says, "You can judge the character of others by how they treat those who do nothing for them or to them."
Be kind and respectful to everyone, regardless of who they are, what they look like, or what their relationship is to you.
Respect Differences In Beliefs And Opinions

Be respectful to people who appear to be different from you. Just imagine what the world would be like if everyone was the same.
People have cultural differences, different religious beliefs, different political beliefs, and different sports teams they like. No matter what their differences are, they should still be treated with respect.
You don't have to understand them, or agree with them, but you can still respect them. The differences among us are what makes life interesting. Plus, you probably have more in common with people than you think.
Even when you don't see where someone else is coming from, be courteous and civil. You don't have to love everyone you meet or agree with them. However, you can still show them basic respect.
Respect Boundaries and Personal Spaces

Personal space is the physical space surrounding a person which can lead to irritation or discomfort when violated.
This space varies in different situations. Strangers on a subway have a given bubble that prevents people from encroaching unless they give you permission to approach.
Friends and family are more likely to be open to touching, hugging, and kissing, but it's always good to get permission first.
Even people with disabilities who have disability equipment treat that equipment as their personal space. Canes, wheelchairs, service dogs are just a few examples. Get permission before you touch them.
Before encroaching on someone's personal space, make sure you get permission first. That's showing respect.
Listen When Someone Is Talking

One of the best ways to show that you respect someone is to listen to them when they are talking.
When you're having a conversation with someone, listen more intently and wait until that person is finished talking before you respond.
Don't sit there looking bored or interrupt the person. That's not showing that you really care about what they're saying.
Show that you are really listening by making direct eye contact. Use your body language to show you are paying attention. Lean forward, and don't fidget while they speak.
Fully process what the person is saying instead of just absently nodding your head the whole time.
Practice this active listening and you will show the person that what they have to say is important to you. This is a great compliment.
Respectfully Disagree

You can respect someone's view even if you disagree with them wholeheartedly. The key is to disagree without undermining a person's self worth.
For example, you might strongly disagree with someone's political beliefs, but you can still value that person as a good human being.
Never resort to insulting someone when you find yourself disagreeing with what they say. Use self-control in that situation or you might say things you will regret later.
People can have differences and still be respectful to one another.
Practice Patience and Assume Good Faith

Communication can be difficult sometimes. It takes a lot of practice to make sure you are being respectful, while listening to things you might not fully understand correctly.
Give yourself time to become good at it. Be patient with yourself, and assume in good faith that people are doing the best they can.
People can misspeak and struggle to find the right words that communicate their thoughts clearly.
Give them time if you aren't sure where they are coming from. Assume they are using their best efforts to be kind and understanding.
Show Deference To Those With Rightful Authority

Some people deserve respect because of the position they hold. The school principal, the boss, the church leader, the mayor, the queen of England - these are people who have risen to leadership positions.
They have exhibited qualities society deems worthy of respect. So, show authority figures respect according to the proper custom.
Elders are also deserving of extra respect. These include your parents, grandparents, and other elders in the community. They are people who share valuable wisdom with others to make this world a better place.
If someone has broken your trust and you feel you can no longer respect them, that's your choice. It is important to recognize when an authority figure no longer deserves your trust.
In some cases, you may be forced to stand up to an authority figure when they are hurting you and those around you. Standing up for yourself is actually a way of respecting yourself and others.
Be Respect To Others Even When They Are Disrespectful To You

This last point may be the hardest of all. Being respectful to other even if they're not respectful to you is the challenge.
As difficult as this might be, try to show patience and humility. Take the higher ground. You may even show them that you are the bigger person.
Hopefully they will learn a lesson from you.
If a person is downright rude, try to defend yourself without sinking to their level.

The fact of the matter is that every human should be treated with basic respect. How do you go about giving respect to people who are different than you, who could be from another culture, or may be disrespectful to you?
You can start by just being kind and courteous to everyone you come in contact with.
Be polite to everyone, no matter how different they may be. You can respect their different beliefs and opinions without diminishing their self-worth.
Showing respect means respecting personal spaces and boundaries. Listen when people talk even if they are saying something you disagree with.
If you don't quite understand where they are coming from, show patience. Assume in good faith that they mean well.
Show deference to those who earn the right to be leaders and authority figures.
The hardest thing you will be faced with is respecting someone who disrespects you. Maintain your dignity and don't stoop to their level. You can be the example of what respect should look like.
You can do it. Remember you are
("Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect")
What else will you do to show others that you respect them?
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