10 Tips For Staying Positive During Dark Times

Bad Mood today

Kristin Armstrong

The best thing to do when you find yourself in a hurting or vulnerable place is to surround yourself with the strongest, finest, most positive people you know.

10 Tips For Staying Positive During Dark Times

Thoughts Without Judgment

Throughout your life, there are times when negative situations make you feel like you are getting a raw deal. 

You may be faced with the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, diagnosed with a chronic and deadly illness, break-ups or even divorce. 

In these instances, it is easy to become anxious or depressed. However, it is also important to realize that it is possible to get through them and even rebound from them through positive thinking. 

The question is, what can you do during the dark times to regain a positive perspective. 

Here are 10 tips to get you through these tough times in a positive way. Hopefully, you can master them to make your life even better, no matter what you're facing. 

Let's get started. 


Recognize When You Are Thinking Negatively

Over Thinking

The first step in staying positive is to recognize when you are thinking negatively. For some people, negative thinking has just become a habit. They've done it so much that they can't recognize when they are being negative. 

To help you recognize when you're thinking negatively, ask yourself, "Do I have a tendency to always anticipate the worst in a situation"? Also, are you quick to blame yourself for anything bad that happens. 

Negative thinkers tend to magnify the worst case scenario and apply it to every situation they face. Recognizing this tendency is the first step in changing the negative into a positive. 


Change The Negative Into A Positive


Once you can recognize your negative thinking patterns, continually monitor your thoughts regularly. Identify those negative ways of thinking, and put a positive spin on them. 

For instance, if you're attempting something you've never done before and saying, "This is too scary for me", instead say, "I have a chance to do something new and exciting."

You get the picture. 

Also, be sure to surround yourself with positive people. They can be uplifting in times when you're drowning in negativity.


Try Not To Define Yourself By Your Environment

Moving Forward

To stay positive, try not to define yourself by your environment. I mean, if you are in an environment that you hate, it can be hard to remain positive. But remember that your environment can be changed, so don't let it influence you. 

Focus on your innately positive qualities, and determine to not let circumstances change them. 

If you are jobless right now, remember that your job status doesn't define who you are. New job opportunities can be pursued. Reassure yourself that this situation is just temporary. 

Your environment should not define you, because you can always change your environment. 


Get Out There And Be Social Again

Fun learning

Often when people are facing dark times, they have a tendency to remove themselves from social contact. Ironically, this does nothing but causes more despair and depression. 

Try getting out and being social again. Start by taking small steps to get back into social circles again. Try meeting a trusted friend or a family member for a brief coffee. 

Reach out by making phone calls to other friends and loved ones you haven't seen in a while. It might feel uncomfortable at first but stick with it. 

Doing these things can actually boost your happiness and keep your mind in a positive state. 


Try To Think Clearly

Opportunity to Invent

When things are not going great, we have tendency to think irrationally. When we are not thinking clearly, it's easy to respond badly. 

Instead of letting your thoughts get out of control, return to clear thinking by asking yourself a few questions. 

  • How can I test if this idea is valid or not?
  • Was this always true?
  • Are there any exceptions?
  • What is the missing part of this picture?


Exercise Regularly And Eat A Healthy Diet

Thanksgiving dinner

For some reason, diet and exercise have to ability to improve your mood, and keep you in a positive frame of mind. 

Try exercising three times a week to relieve mild to moderate depression. It will help you feel better about yourself. Plus, exercising will help you sleep better which can also help improve your mood. 

Eating healthy also helps keep your positive energy going. Avoid using drugs, smoking and other habits that may be detrimental to your health. 


Repeat Your Favorite Mantra

Positive Affirmations

Repetitive messages, whether positive or negative, can have a profound effect on the psyche. These messages can affect your emotions and cause you to act in certain ways. 

Try programming your mind for positivity by repeating your favorite mantra out loud. Fill your mind with positivity and meaningful thoughts by repeating motivating phrases. 

Here are a few to get you started:

  • Be the change you wish to see. (Mahatma Gandhi).  
  • Action is the antidote to despair. (Joan Baez)               
  • None but ourselves can free our minds. (Bob Marley)
  • It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. (Eleanor Roosevelt)


Figure Out What Life Means To You

Positive Self Talk

The tendency to feel happy and satisfies in life is a result of knowing what life means to you. Have you every taken the time to contemplate that question?

If you've ever had a life threatening scare, you will understand the importance of this exercise. Know why you are here and what's most important to you can literally change your whole perspective on life. 

If you want to wake up every day with a positive outlook, determine exactly what this life means to you. When you know the answer, you can make it even through the dark times. 


Slow Down And Savor The Good Parts Of Life

Change Focus

Want to find even more enjoyment in your life? Slow down to savor all the good parts that life has to offer. 

Those don't have to be monumental activities, but could be something as small as enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning. 

Slow down and give yourself permission to enjoy the good things in life that give you pleasure and peace of mind. 

Identify enough of these small pleasures and they can uphold your positive outlook even when things get bad. 


Be Helpful To Others

Common Sense

One of the best ways to boost your positivity is to help others, even when things are not going so well for you. 

Everyone has something to give no matter what state you find yourself in life. Figure out what you can give, and share it generously as often as you can. 

Not only does it feel good knowing that you helped someone, the receiver will be very appreciative that you did. 

Make it a point to help someone in need whenever you can. 


Motivation Success

As ironic as it sounds, you can still remain positive even when you are facing some of the darkest moments in your life. 

Staying positive starts with recognizing your own negative thinking patterns. Then turning those negative patterns into positive thoughts. 

Your environment may be a negative one, but don't let that define you. Those negative environmental effects are temporary, and with a positive attitude, you can change your environment. 

When the bad times come, don't isolate yourself, but get out there and be social again. Separation from others has a tendency to foster depression. Get a positive boost from your friends and family. 

Exercising and eating healthy helps you keep a clear mind about whatever is happening. 

If that doesn't help you stay positive, then find your favorite mantra and repeat it often. 

Figure out what life really means to you and live it to its fullest. Slow down and savor all the moments that make life special, no matter how big or small. 

Finally, to really enjoy a happy life, make it a part of your DNA to help others in any way you can. You will be a better person because of it.  

You can do this. 

Remember, you are


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When the world tries to squeeze the life out of you, how do you stay positive?

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