10 Things Super Achievers Do To Think Out Of The Box

Thinking out of the box

- Antonious Rinaldi

"Wise people said think outside the box. Then your first step should be: don't make your own boxes."

10 Things Super Achievers Do To Think Out Of The Box

Think Outside The Box

There are certain techniques that Super Achievers use to help them develop their creative side. They relax into a mindset which allows them to think out of the box. 

You can also learn the techniques to help you develop your creativity. It involves setting aside some time to do some brainstorming, breaking up your routine, and seeking inspiration from other creative people around you. 

There are other things you can do to help embellish your creativity even more. Let's find out what they are. 


Take Time For Relaxing and Brainstorming

New Years Resolution Girl

Things can get so hectic at times that it's hard to clear your mind enough to think on the creative side. 

So, try setting aside a specific time for relaxing and brainstorming. To be creative, your mind should be at ease and free from any distractions. 

If you have to, put some time into your schedule for quiet, uninterrupted time to relax, and let your mind wander. 

Then brainstorm ideas for improving your life. Don't worry about how to accomplish them yet, just let the ideas begin to flow. 

Look at your life from a new perspective, and let some new possibilities begin to come. Look at all angles and just start thinking openly. 

Soon, your mind will begin to think out of the box. 


Use Your Non-Dominant Hand For A While

Use Dominate Hand

This might sound a little strange, but to begin using a different part of your brain, start using your non-dominant hand for a short period of time. 

The ability to do this will force you to use another part of your brain you wouldn't normally access. Try this for a while and see if you can make it a habit. 

This will get you used to accessing differently parts of the brain, which you can now use for brainstorming even more creative ideas. 


Designate Your Creative Space


Every Super Achiever has a special place that sparks their creative thought. This spot usually has a lot of natural light coming through the windows or from working outside. 

The reason having natural light is important is because artificial lighting can cause a drop in cortisol levels, leading to sleepiness and reduced productivity. 

Natural light, on the other hand, makes you more alert. So choose a spot for your creative thinking that has a lot of natural light. 


Remove All Digital Distractions

Girl on the Phone

Some of the best creative ideas come when you are engaged and totally focused on the matter at hand. 

You need to find discipline and focus to follow up on any ideas you come up with. So the goal is to remove all distractions so you can fully engage your full attention. 

Eliminate electronic distractions by turning off your phone, WiFi connection, and radio to immerse yourself totally into your creative endeavor.

Doing this will get you the very best results.  


Have 45-60 Minute Brainstorming Sessions

Figuring It Out

Now you are ready to sit down and have a brainstorming session for creative ways to can add to your life. 

Choose a specific issue, problem, or theme to brainstorm about. Sit down with a piece of paper and pen and write down as many ideas as you can in about 45-60 minutes. 

Set a timer, and when it begins, start writing down unbridled thoughts of creativity. Do not overthink your ideas or second guess them. Just get as many as you can on paper. 

The faster you write the better. Just let the ideas flow as much and as fast as you can. You will be surprised what you'll think of. 


Make A Pro and Con List To Work Through Your Ideas

Making A List

Now that your list is complete, let's examine it more closely. 

To pick your very best ideas, evaluate each one and put them into two categories: pros and cons. Interrogate your ideas looking at the pros and cons. This interrogation process helps you get more perspective on each one. 

Looking at something from multiple perspectives helps you become more objective about the value of your ideas. You want to keep only the best, so make sure you scrutinize them well. 


Draw Out Your Ideas

Drawing Your Ideas

For the more visual people, you can use sketches to brainstorm your ideas. Sometimes doodling while you're brainstorming can help you flesh out your ideas by tapping into different cognitive processes. 

Mulling over ideas by drawing simple sketches helps you develop those idea more thoroughly. 

These sketches can help develop an idea more creatively and even expand your thought process. 

Give it a try and see what you can come up with. 


Create An Inspirational Collage

Create a collage

Sometimes pictures are worth a thousand words, so it may be better for you to use pictures to show exactly what your vision looks like. 

Create an inspirational collage that relates to a particular theme or idea you're brainstorming. 

Go through magazines, newspapers, online image sites to find pictures that are relevant to your topic. 

Then, glue them into a collage that you can look at for inspiration. Place it where you can see it often to form a mental picture in your brain.

Doing this keeps a visual impression in your mind that will keep you motivated to keep working. 


Read As Much As Possible

Read More

Another great source for sparking your creativity is to read books on the particular topic that interests you. 

Yes, some people hate to read, but if you are really interested in something, reading more about it can be fun. Look for books, periodicals, and even memoirs or studies to understand your topic better. 

Knowing a subject inside out and reading different perspectives makes it easier to be more creative in your approach. 

Today we have more information available to us than ever before. So take advantage of it. 


Surround Yourself With Other Creative People 

Friends Cooking

Finally, one of the best ways to supercharge your creativity is to surround yourself with other creative people to get inspired. 

Creativity can be contagious, so it could be beneficial to make friends with people who work in the creative fields.

These people could be writers, painters, graphic designers, photographers, filmmakers, or anything that requires lots of creative thinking. 

If you don't know anyone, start attending events, take lessons, or join groups that give you the opportunity to meet them. 

When you do meet them, ask about their creative process and learn as much as you can. 


Think Creative Thoughts

Super Achievers will be required to think out of the box at one time or another. So, it can be advantageous to learn to develop your creative side early. 

To get started, take some time to relax and brainstorm some ideas that you consider creative. 

Then, to stretch your normal thinking patterns, try using your non-dominant hand for a while to see how your brain works differently to accommodate. 

Next, look at your workspace to make sure you have a lot of natural light, and remove as many electronic distractions as possible. 

Now it's time to spend 45-60 minutes focusing on brainstorming as many creative ideas as you can. Go over the list and look at the pros and cons. 

If you're the visual type, try sketching out your ideas or using pictures to make a collage for inspiration. 

To get more perspective on a topic and become the expert, read as much as can about your subject. Then hang around some other creative people to learn about their creative processes. 

These tips will help you become the "Out Of The Box Thinker" that you are striving to be. 

You can do it.  

After all, you are 


("Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect')


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