10 Steps To Build Super Self Worth

Super Self Worth

- Buddha -

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." 

The Importance Of Your Attitude About Yourself

The way you see yourself, the way to talk to yourself, the way you portray yourself is what becomes your reality. 

Put yourself down, belittle your worth, and make light of your gifts and talents to others will make you come across self-effacing, low in self-esteem, and nothing but insignificant.

Conversely, if you exaggerate about your qualities, talkents, and skills will make you come across as egotistical and arrogant. Your insecurities allow you to deceive yourself by overestimating your self-worth. 

The middle path is the one where you recognize and celebrate yourself as for the valuable person that you are. You see yourself equal to everyone else, and your talents and gifts are unique and worthy. 

If you are not there yet, keep working because it does take work to get there. The more you learn that it is possible to change your thoughts, the more you can move closer to valuing your authentic self.


 10 Steps To Build Super Self Worth

I don't know why this is so, but many Super Achievers I've worked with over the years seem to have a hard time believing they are as talented as they really are. 

Being humble may be what they want to portray, but it actually come across like they are suffering from low self esteem. 

Below are 10 Steps to Build Super Self Worth. Super Achievers can use these steps to boost the appreciation of their self worth. 

Let's get started. 


Tell Yourself That You Matter

You Matter

To change your inter dialog from negative to positive self talk, make an appointment with yourself everyday at a specific time to talk to yourself in a positive way. 

Let's call this talk realistic self pep-talks. Affirm to yourself that you are special, wonderful, lovable, and loved by others. But this time include a valid reason for the statement. 

For example instead of saying "I love myself," say "I love myself because I'm a smart and compassionate person." 

Be specific in your self-affirmations. Over time you will gain a deeper appreciation why you can feel good about yourself.


Take Responsibility for Your Own Self Worth


Affirmations are good but they are only the first step. After that it is time to put some actions behind those words. 

The next step is to take responsibility for you own self worth. Responsibility is recognizing that you are in control of things like you attitude, your reactions, and your self worth.  

If people and circumstances are your source of lowering your self esteem, you have the responsibility to get control of the situation. 

Only you can make the decision to do something about your circumstances. Don't let anything stand in your way to gaining better self worth. 

As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent."


Build Your Self Esteem


Start building your self esteem to work on a more positive self-image.

There are several strategies you can use to improve your self-confidence including these:

  • Blocking negative thoughts. Every time you have a negative thought, stop it immediately and replace it with a positive one.  
  • Removing negativity from your environment by surrounding  yourself with people who are uplifting and supportive. 
  • Being more assertive. Being assertive will help you to get your needs met and this will help you to feel happier, and empowered.
  • Setting goals. Set realistic goals for yourself, and make sure to reward yourself when you accomplish them.


Forgive Yourself And Other People


Relinquish the need to blame anyone for anything, and that includes you. 

Blame implies that someone else or something has the power over you. 

It leaves you stuck in your situation, and perpetuates the feeling of helplessness. 

Don't blame your parents, the government, or your friends.

They may have made things difficult for you but move on as a strong responsible person. 


Work On Your Resilience


In life there are some really difficult times, but you can face them without falling apart. 

Use your resilience to figure out a way to change that difficult situation into something you can manage. 

It's all in how you react to the situation that matters. You have the choice between demeaning yourself or reminding your self to stay firm in your resolve to get through any circumstance. 

Focus your energy on the things you can change for the better. 


Break The Habit Of Trying To Please Other People


It would be nice if we could live our lives in such a way that would please everyone, but that is impossible.

Break the habit of trying to please other people.

As soon as we do, our own true desires will surface and we can start working on fulfilling them. That includes working on your happiness and self worth. 

Open up and express your true feelings instead of keeping them bottled up. As you do, you will respect those feeling, and will not be held hostage by other people's negative reactions. 


Heed Opportunities

Heed Responsibility

Learn to see opportunities and take full advantage of them. 


Opportunities present themselves to us in all sorts of way everyday. 

Building a super self esteem is learning to recognize them no matter how big or small. 

Often times the best opportunities disguise themselves as challenges. As you tackle the challenges, look for a new opportunity. When you see it, take it as far as you can. 

Each one will make you a stronger person.   


Budget Your Money

budget money

Many times people tie their self worth closely to their financial situation.

When money is flowing and things are good, their self worth is high. However when the opposite occurs we tend to beat our self worth into the ground.

Make sure you scrutinize all your financial opportunities to set yourself up to relieve any financial pressures. 

Setting up things like savings and investments will help ensure a sound financial cushion that helps keep your self esteem high. 


Value Yourself, Your Time, and The Time You Give To Others

Helping Hand

If I ask you who you are and you reply with some reference to your job, you may be suffering from a low self worth tied to your occupation or your job earnings. 

Learn to value yourself as a unique wonderful human being who matters regardless of how much you earn or your occupation. 

The way you allocate your time is another indicator of degree of self worth. Not matter how noble it may seem, when you start giving to the point of neglecting your own well-being, it's time to take back your time. 

When you are undervaluing your time, skills, and talents, it's time to pull back and pay more attention to getting your needs satisfied. 

When you are filled up, then you can give more effectively to others. 

At the end of the day, you are the one that matters most. 


Live In The Present

Live in the Present

Low self worth that people experience can often be traced to events that have happened in the past. 

The past may be filled with failures and unpleasant experiences. Some are filled with lessons learned or unforgiven regret. Even though this may be the case, what truly matters is now. 

Nothing else is a sure thing, except what is happening now. 

Control your now. Live in the now and leave the past behind. 

Set you mind to achieving what you can today, and everything else will take care of itself. 

Track your accomplishments, continually work on improving, and compete only with yourself. 

The time to live, grow and change is now, 

Conclusion 3


You can live a life fill with confidence and high self esteem, however getting to that point where you experience this can take a lot how hard work. 

It starts by determining that you will learn to value yourself first, so that you can contribute your full value to other. 

You alone have the responsibility to do the work on squenching negative self thoughts and replacing them with positive ones. 

You can set a goal to work on building your self worth in every area of your life. 

You can guard how you donate your time to others so that you don't deplete your own resources. 

As you cease all the opportunity that comes your way, build your finances in such a way as to give you peace of mind. 

Value yourself, your time, and how much you give to others. 

Remember that the only important time to live is when you are living in the now. 

Build you super self worth continually to become the Super Achiever that recognized your true worth and value. 


What do you do everyday to build your self worth? 

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