10 Steps To Boost Your Confidence

Self confidence is one of the strongest attributes you can use in your pursuit of living your best life.
However, displaying confidence everyday can be a tricky thing. The influences of others can take a toll if we give them the power to affect our confidence.
The good news is that you are in charge of your own confidence level. That means you can boost your confidence whenever you want.
Here are 10 steps to get you started.
Check Your Body Language

Your body language is sending messages that people pickup on regardless of what you say.
To boost your self-confidence, make sure your body language is saying you are open and approachable. Don't stand with your arms closed and constantly stare at your cell phone when you are talking to someone.
You don't have to be overly self-conscious about your body language, but be natural and approachable.
Eye Contact

Nothing speaks confidence better that looking a person straight in the eyes when addressing them.
What this will do is tell the person you respect them, acknowledge their presence, and are interested in them.
Once you establish good eye contact, hold the gaze for a while to let them know how invested you are in what they are saying.
You will appear confident and unafraid to fully engage in the conversation.

The smile is a universally understood gesture that can disarm some of the most uncomfortable social situations.
A smile has so much power that it can make you completely forget for a second how bad your situation is.
Everyone feels more comfortable talking to someone who smiles frequently at the appropriate times.
As powerful as a smile can be, don't fake it. People can see through that a mile away. If you are genuilely happy to talk to someone, show it with a smile.
Look The Part

Although confidence emanates from the inside, it doesn't hurt to look the part as well.
Dress the part by doing it in such a way that makes you feel your absolute best. Use your personal hygienic habits to present a polished look.
You don't have to go out an buy a new wardrobe to feel better about your appearance. Just make sure that you are clean and comfortable.
Remember, real confidence starts on the inside first.
Recognize Your Own Strengths And Talents - Write Them Down

Sometimes when our confidence feels a little low, it helps to think about the accomplishments we are most proud of.
In fact, it would be a great idea to make a written list of our good qualities, talents, and contributions.
Think back on compliments you've received from other people and add them to the list.
What about the amazing qualities that you have worked to cultivate. Write those down on your list.
Write down everything you can think of and keep that list handy. Whenever you feel your confidence slipping, pull that list out and read it.
Everyone Struggles With Confidence At One Time Or Another

One of the biggest hindrances to a healthy confidence level is comparing yourself to others.
Even the most confident person you know has struggled with a lack of it. They my seem confident to you, but who knows what they may have gone through to become confident.
You may feel more confident in certain areas and less confident in others. Confidence is not a universal thing.
Plus, some people may appear confident but are in fact just good at hiding their fear.
The point is that you don't always have to show confidence in every situation. You are not perfect.
Think Of The Obstacles That Hinder Your Confidence

The quest for strong confidence always comes with some obstacles. Think about what you struggle with, and identify those obstacles.
Write them down to examine which ones are valid and which ones are self imposed roadblocks.
You may have not gotten all A's on your report card, but is that a reason to diminish your self-worth.
Some of your assumptions about yourself may not be realistic to maintain those beliefs. Get clear on what is standing in your way, and determine to get rid of the ones that simply aren't valid.
See Confidence As A Process

Reaching self-confidence is not like crossing the finished line in a race. Gaining confidence is a process. It takes time and can be applied to many situation.
So if you don't feel confident in every situation, take it easy on yourself. Take a deep breath, remember the hurdles you must cross, and resolve to just keep going.
Learn to pat yourself on the back as much as you can. This is not an easy journey. So keep encouraging yourself and remembering how far you have come.
Remember You Were Born With It

The day you were born you had all the confidence you needed. You were not ashamed to let people know what you needed and wanted.
That confidence is still in you. It may be overshadowed by the negative opinions of others, but it is still there.
Get others out of the picture and you pay attention to you. It really doesn't matter what they say. What you say about yourself is what really maters.
Let the confidence you were born with come out again, and stay out no matter what.
Get Out Of Your Own Head

Confidence starts from the inside. It has little to do with the outside world. It has everything to do with the thoughts we think about ourselves.
If the thoughts running through you mind are self defeating negative ones, get them out of your head. Monitor you inner dialogue to see what kind of thoughts you are internalizing.
If they are not positive reinforcing thoughts, them kick them out of your thought life. They don't belong there when you are trying to boost your confidence.
Practice not thinking about failures and misgivgings that have happened in your life. Instead replace them with positive thoughts of affirmations of the good things that are happening to you now.

You have the power to live a life full of confidence by navigating this slippery slope to grow more confident everyday.
Since you are in control, you can actually increase your own confidence by following a few easy steps.
Take charge of your body language to ensure you are sending the right messages of openness and confidence.
One thing you can do to send the right message is to look people in the eyes when communicating with them. It tells them you are interested in what they have to say.
If you want to add some more light to the conversation, find appropriate ways to incorporate a smile or two. The sheer act of smiling can completely change someone's disposition.
If you want to show confidence, look the part. Dress neatly and comfortably. Although confidence starts on the inside, it helps when you are looking good on the outside too.
Everyone struggles with building more confidence. There are always obstacles that you will be dealing with. Make a list of your accomplishments and review it when these obstacles try to bring you down.
Developing confidence is a process that we will continue from the day we were born until now. So clear those negative thoughts out of your head and replace them with positive one.
Soon you will carry your confidence to every situation you encounter. You hold the power to be confident in your hands.
Remember, you are a
"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".
In what situation do you feel the most confident?
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"How To Be Confident And Happy"
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