Andrew Bernstein
“Remember that stress doesn’t come from what’s going on in your life. It comes from your thoughts about what’s going on in your life.”
At a time when our lives have taken some unexpected twists and rapid changes, stress has taken a front seat. Managing it is one of the strongest qualities of a Super Achiever.
The tools to make this possible are easy to use and can make a big difference in the lives of everyone who uses them.
I have compiled a list of 10 effective techniques that Super Achievers use to help manage their stress more effectively.
10 Quick Tips About Stress Management Every Super Achiever Should Know

Engage In Learning Some New Activity
If there is some new activity that you've wanted to do or to learn, and have been putting it off, it can be time to consider engaging in it.
In stressful times you may think learning something new would be counterproductive, but in fact, shifting your thoughts to learning a new activity helps keep your mind off the things that are causing you stress.
As you engage in the activity of learning something new, your mind stays focused on something productive. This positive activity boosts your confidence level which has the effect of reducing stress.
It's a win-win all the way around. You reduce your stress, plus get to learn a new skill in the process.

Take A "No-Tech" Vacation
Take a "no-tech" vacation by spending some quiet time away where you leave all your tech devices at home.
I probably love my devices more than most, and the thought of leaving home without them frightens me. We use them for everything these days, and feel emply without them.
The obligation of responding to calls, messages, and notifications have us on call 24/7.
To take some pressure off, take a day or a weekend to spend without your electronic gear.
Go outside and just enjoy nature for a change of pace. Bask in the sunshine which is known to be a natural cure for depression.
Mother nature has a way of relieving stress, and you can get some exercise in the process. It's a double win again.

Maintain Healthy Relationships
It is possibe that there are people in your life that create stressful encounters. If that is the case, you may want to reduce the time you interact with them.
Try talking to someone new to get a fresh perspective on things. Communicate with people who make you feel energized instead of stressed out.
Spend some time with people who you can laugh with. Watching a good movie, listening to some great music, or just sharing a hobby you both have in common can go a long way to easing the pressures of life.

Prioritize Your Time
Many times stress is the result of feeling overwhelmed and out of control.
Putting a time management process in place that allows you to schedule your activities and stay organized can be the answer.
Not everything is an emergency and doesn't have to be done this very second.
With a to-do list in place, you can prioritize your activities to do the most essential ones first. Just seeing items checked off your list can be extrememly fulfilling.

Focus On Your Sleep
Living with excessive amounts of stress can make sleeping hard to do. How can you get your 7 to 9 hours of sleep when your mind is racing a thousand miles a minute?
Sacrificing sleep every night can exacerbate the stress that is already present in your life.
Getting proper sleep helps your body relax and recharge for the next day. It gives you a clean slate to start fresh every morining,
Add sleep to your daily schedule and treat it like an appointment you must keep. Tell your mind that you are shutting down your thought factory until tomorrow.

Stop Procrastinating
When people feel that their plate is overloaded, they tend to procrastinate. With good intentions of getting to it later, they move on to other activities.
Your mind stuffs those unfinished tasks in the "get to it later" drawer, but it still haunts you like a ghost invavding your privacy.
Time to empty that drawer of all those forsaken activities, prioritize them, and put them on your to-do schedule.
Getting things done, and meeting your deadlines is what will give you greater peace of mind.

Avoid Known Stressors
There are things that are prone to create stress in your life.
Below are seven culprits to be aware of:
- Stressing about money you have already spent or are planning to spend
- Having clutter in your home or office at work that's becoming annoying to keep stepping over
- Being pessimistic all the time about everything
- Always being late for your appointments
- Spending too much time on social media comparing your life to others
- Waiting to the last minute to get tasks completed
- Commiserating about past events that you can't change

Regular Exercise
Just about everyone knows that exercising has the effect of producing pleasure producing hormones called endorphins.
This means that if you are stressed out, you can choose to cheer yourself up by taking a run, pumping some weights, or doing your favorite activity that gets your heart pumping.
Exercise is not only good for your mental well being, but can also keep you in shape physically.
When you exercise on a regular basis, your body looks forward to the stress reliefing effects to cope with the day-to-day activites.

Learn How To Delegate
Want something done right, do it yourself. As soon as you come to the realization that you can't do everything yourself, it's time to delegate.
Learn to let go of some things in your life that other people may be able to do just as well as you.
Giving up tasks to others may be stressful, but when you pick the right people to delegate tasks, you will free up your time to get even more done.
Trust that other people have abilities of their own that could complement what you are capable of producing.
They will enjoy the responsibilty your give them, and you will get more time to do other things.

Understand That Stress Is Unavoidable
Stress is a natural response that your body uses to signal overwhelming stimuli or some preceived threat.
It preceeds many of our life-changing activities like changing jobs, having children, buying your first home, etc...
Stress shouldn't be eliminated altogether, but is actually healthy when it is managed wisely.
We are built to handle lots of stress as long as it doesn't get out of control. When it becomes debilitating, treating it is necessary.

Anything in life that has any element of uncertainly or risk, big or small, creates stress.
These 10 tips for stress management are not exhaustive by any means.
There are many other techniques for handling stress that are not covered in this article.
Each individual has stress relieving techniques that work best for them. So, the choices are many.
Try some of the techniques above and see how effectively they work for you.
They just may give you the boost you need to become a more productive Super Achiever.
What is causing the most stress in your life right now?
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How To Be Self Confident and Happy
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Albert Powell
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