10 Personal Traits That Put The Word "Super" In Super Achievers

There is a Super Achiever in everyone of us because we each have traits and qualities within us that have the potential to help us excel in any area we choose.
These qualities can be learned and improved to be the outstanding thing that puts us at the top of our game. When they are practiced continually over a long period of time, they begin to define who we are.
Below is a glimpse of these qualities that can turn ordinary people into Super Achievers that improve the lives of everyone around them.
Let's get started.
Strong Ambitious Drive

The common characteristic that I've found in everyone who has accomplished great things in their lives seem to exhibit this quality.
They are motivated by a strong drive that pushed them through the fear of the unknown. That great idea that you come up with can die on the vine unless there is that drive to push it into existence.
When the fear and doubt tell you to hold back because you're not sure that it will work, your strong drive will muster the courage to step out there and move forward anyway.
Grab hold of that inner drive to make great things happen.
Action Oriented Doers

One of the most disappointing things is to hear someone explain such a brilliant idea for developing some great invention, but never take the time to lift one finger to make it happen.
Just talking about doing something is not enough. To accomplish anything in our lives, we must be action oriented people.
Action is the nourishment that grows great achievements. Decide today to become an action oriented achiever.
Self Disciplined

The most difficult issue when it come to practicing self discipline is not starting, but overcoming that part of us that wants to resist the discipline that we've already started.
To resist the notion to stay in bed and skip our daily exercise, eating that extra cookie when we should be dieting, and to take that drink when we've been sober for six months takes strength.
Self discipline is doing what a part of you doesn't want to do. The more we practice this, the stronger our self discipline gets. This skill can be learned and practiced to become a part of your Super Achievers arsenal.
Dogged Persistence

On the subject of persistence, nothing says it better than this quote from Calvin Coolidge:
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
Lifelong Learner

Lifelong learning is a process of trying things of which some will work and others won't. Then, we gather the information from each trial to make even better decisions on the next one.
Be open and flexible to the learning process and never stop discovering.
In my article "5 Way To Supercharge Learning" you will learn steps you can take to make this process fun and more effective.
Accept Total Responsibility

The ability to take full control of your own life and your own destiny begins when you learn to take full responsibility.
You are responsible for what happens in your life, and when the blame stops with you, you then have the ultimate control to build what you desire.
Be the one that takes total responsibility.
Positive Attitude

There is always something to be negative about, but when you choose to elevate your state of mind, make the decision to accentuate the positive.
Your internal dialogue will see both positive and negative, but choosing to display the positive attitude will help you attract the positive circumstances that will aid your success.
Watch this video to learn more about staying positive.
Intelligent Communicator

How you communicate can determine how far you get in life. The sign of intelligence is to be able to make complex topics simple enough for anyone to understand.
Set yourself apart from the average by displaying the following communication traits:
- Ability to maintain perspective
- Being a good listener
- Focus on the audience
- Think before you speak
- Produce intelligent answers
- Incorporate humor, tone and direct references
- Be targeted and specific
- Show humility
Always know what your audience wants and deliver.
Pleasing Personality

As the saying goes, "You can catch more bees with honey than with vinegar", having a pleasing personality will take you very far in life.
What are the components of a pleasing personality? Below are some of the main components. See how many of them you possess:
- Ability to build rapport
- Ability to find common ground
- Ability to empathize with others
- Ability to listen to understand and connect with others
- Have a good sense of humor
- Have a positive outlook on life
- Are curious and willing to learn more
If you incorporate these qualities into your life, you are on your way to attracting the people you need to succeed in life.
Generous Giver

Finally, the crowning characteristic that makes you stand out from the crowd is that of generously giving. The real Super Achievers can be seen by the amount that they give to help others.
They give not only financial resources, but their time, and energies to others in need of a hand. They look for ways they can add their contribution whenever possible.
Giving can be done begrudgingly or from a generous spirit.
Super Achievers are happy to freely give with a generous heart.

The exceptional person that you are can be defined by the personal qualities that you constantly exhibit day after day.
Super Achievers spend their time developing the traits that help them maximize their skills and talents to benefit all those they encounter.
These 10 Personal Traits That Put The Word "Super" In Super Achievers, are not an exhaustive list, but are a great starting point.
The person that has a strong ambitious drive, with self discipline and persistence can go a long way to making you the exception to the rule.
If you can take total responsibility for the things that happen in your life and constantly learn and improve, you will have total control over your success.
Possessing a positive attitude, and a pleasing personality will help generously give to others by transferring you knowledge intelligently to contribute to all those around you.
Obtaining these personal traits and displaying them daily will help you become the "Super" in "Super Achiever"
What is your strongest personal quality that you display to help you become "Super"?
Leave a comment below.
Watch This for Some More Motivation
"How To Be Confident And Happy"

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Albert Powell
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