Thrown Off The Horse – Get Back On Track

Falling off the horse

Many men and women in the world demonstrate great willpower and self-discipline in overcoming bad habits and the weaknesses of the flesh.

Ezra Taft Benson


Paying attention to the events that are swarming around us can hit us so hard that it can completely throw us off track from achieving our most important goals. 

Our exercise programs have been affected, weight reduction programs have been challenging, and our daily routines have been altered. 

If you find yourself out of sorts and off your game, it's time to get back on track. 

Here's how:

Focus On What You Can Control

Focus On Things You Can Control

There are things we are confronting right now that are not in our control. Those may be many and very serious, but there are many things that are under our control.  

We can control our thoughts about how we can keep moving forward. We can control our schedule and our ability to decide what are our priorities. 

We can also control when and how we want to get our lives back on track toward achieving our goal.

celebrating victories

Celebrate Victories

Before you try to jump back on the horse, and even though you may think that you are off track, take some time to look at how far you've actually come. 

Make a list of everything you've done so far to accomplish your goals.

Then take some time out to celebrate the victories you've experienced. Even if they are small victories, celebrate them anyway. 

 After all, we are on a  journey where slow and steady progress is better than none at all.  
Patting yourself on the back, every now and then, helps boost your mood and motivates you to keep moving forward.
the big picture

Look At The Bigger Picture

A beautifully painted piece of art is constructed with millions of small strokes. Individually, each stroke might seem insignificant, but zoom out and you see how each contributes to the big picture. 

 You may feel a little off your game at this particular moment, or discouraged, but remember where you are on your journey and how much effort you have spent to get there.

Don't forget what you've achieved thus far. As you widen your perspective, you will improve your state of mind.  

Motivate yourself

Motivate Yourself 

While the demands of work and everyday life are constant, they can drain our enthusiasm making it hard to do anything for ourselves. Some days we feel good, but sometimes following our ambition seems too hard. 

During these low points, it becomes hard to do even the routine tasks. How can we stay motivated? 

Too get your motivation back, try these things:

  • Re-examine your long-term goals. Reflect on where you really want to go, and imagine what it will feel like when you actually get there. 
  • Remind yourself of how hard you have worked. Getting where you are right now took some effort.  Even if you feel you are behind, remember you can always catch up. 
  • Rehearse your past triumphs. Revisit a time when you accomplished some important milestone. Let those memories come back in your mind and relive that excitement. 
  • Never forget how strong you really are. Write down all the skills and strengths you have that will get you to the finish line. Doing this should get you motivated again.
Be flexible

Be Flexible

Super Achievers can get so hyper focused on exercising discipline that they leave little room for the unexpected. They have a plan and it must be executed everyday. 

Although plans are essential, events in life rarely go exactly as planned. We run into unexpected problems with work, finances, or family, and it is important to be ready to adapt.

Be flexible and have an open mind. Be ready to accept changes to your plan, and adapt to the events of the day as they come your way. 

Create more flexibility by doing the following:

  • Be prepared to handle many possibilities. Think about what might happen in the future, and consider different scenarios or perspectives. There are always alternative solutions that will help you cope with any situation that arises. 
  • Be willing to learn new skills, methods, or ways to take on tasks. Always look for ways to learn new techniques that will   improve your efficiency and productivity.
  • Take some risks. There are opportunities all around us, but they usually don’t just fall in our laps. Often we need to take a risk in order to take advantage of opportunities. And, if we see some failures along the way, we can learn from them and  become even better in the future.
  • Don’t be afraid to vent a bit. Striving to get better forces you to go outside of your comfort zone.  It can be a little stressful. It’s OK to feel that way. Sometime  blowing off steam helps you feel better. 
Be Organized

Reorganizing Your Life Again

In order to get back on track, putting some organization back in to your life will get you motivated to start your engine again. 

Maintain a routine. 

​Routines are generally good because, once they are in place, we don’t have to think too much about doing them. 

Unfortunately, the same is true for bad habits. It is a good idea to reevaluate the negative habits in your routine and remove them by replacing them with more positive ones.

So, you will want to practice healthy and productive habits to make sure your life stays on track. Visualize what you want your life to look like on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis and take the
necessary steps to make it part of your healthy routine.

Stick to a schedule.

Skipping important dates, extending deadlines, and finishing tasks at the last second creates stress and havoc. This type of lifestyle leads to missed opportunities to grow as an individual.  â€‹

Create a schedule and stick to it. Scheduling your time each day reduces that chaos, and organizes your time in a more controlled fashion. 

You will be surprised at how much you can accomplish when things are planned and scheduled.

Concentrate on the details

Concentrate On The Details

As we begin to schedule our events of the day, the main question to answer is "how long will each task take?"

To answer this we have to look at the details for completing each task. 

It would be a good idea to write down the process or steps that you need to take to achieve your dreams. Then, think about all of the things you need to do under each of the steps to complete it and how you will schedule those tasks. 

 An outline, brainstorm web, or map will help keep things organized.
Evaluate each step you take and summarize the results. It's all the little details that will make accomplishing your goals special.


Create A Successful Environment

Motivation, inspiration, and willpower rarely can be maintained in the long-term without some concerted effort. 

To help keep the momentum,create an environment for you to succeed. This includes people, places, and events that influence your behavior in a positive way.

Your environment can trigger a wide-range of responses. The pictures on the wall, the desk you work at, the coffee shop you go to, and the people you see all influence the actions you take.

Make sure to notice these influences and change the scenery for the best  environment possible.

Take Interest in Yourself

Take Interest In Your Success

Really care about what you are doing and your chances of success will be much greater. The greater your desires, the greater your successes will be. 

Don’t get caught up in chasing things you really are not interested in because it could lead to negative feelings of being a loser or failure when you lose interest. 

If you have trouble achieving all of your goals, try to focus on successfully mastering one at a time. 

If you really care about that goal or habit, you will work hard to make it successful. If not, then maybe it is not as important as you thought.

Keeping your life on track is difficult. Therefore, anticipate setbacks, missteps, and complications, but don’t give up.

Develop a well thought out plan that will successfully put you back in the place you want to be in.

Reset Again

Reset Your Life

It's time to reset your life for success. The important step in resetting your life is to put everything in its proper place so that you can excel in all areas of your life.

In other words, live your daily life so that it collides with your dreams and aspirations. Then work on an aspect of that success every day.

Commit to priorities

Commit To New Priorities

Make a new commitment that holds you responsible and accountable for engaging in new priorities that will get you back on the road to accomplishing your dreams.

Make a commitment to yourself that you will have difficulties along the way, but you will never stop pursuing your dreams.

A commitment is more than just changing your actions,
you must also change your mindset and attitude.

Take fifteen minutes a day and think about why you want to be your best. People that make it to the top have strong "whys". 

Make notes on what rejuvenates you, and keep this list so that you can continue to concentrate on those feelings.

When you are ready, start your new daily routine to get you back on the path of progress.


What has gotten you off track and what did you do to get started again?

Watch This Video For More Inspiration

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